Chapter 34

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"It's really clear here" Jay said as he typed in his laptop. 

After  tracing her location, I called Jay to come and hack all the cameras around our residence. We wanted to see anything that could help us.

The footage showed Y/N being dropped by a certain car infront of our gate. She went inside the house and the car never left. Then after a while she came back with her luggage and put it in the car. Made me remember our conversation. It was even the first time in years after my parents. . . . . . That I had shed a single tear. Y/N drives me crazy and the thought of losing her just makes me wanna tear the whole world apart.

She was crying and I wanted to wrap my arms around her and comfort her. She got in and they drove away.

"So this clearly means that something is up, I don't even know that car " Abby scowled

"Can you check the club's cameras" Joon requested and Jay gave him a nod.

He punched in a code and the screen showed all sides of the club. The front, the sides and the back side. He sped the video when nothing serious happened and then it showed Y/N knocking off.

"There, right there" her bestfriend jumped in her seat as we all looked at the big screen ahead of us. Jay connected his laptop to our TV for a better view.

The video showed her walking, damnit this time around I'm gonna buy her a car, whether she likes it or not. I had once suggested it but then she refused and said she wanted to buy it with her own money. I had offered her a chauffer, she was reluctant at first but she ended up saying that if she needs it, she'll tell me, then the car from earlier showed up beside her. They seemed like they were talking but we couldn't decipher what as there was no sound. She then proceeded to walk away from him but he got out and grabbed her wrist making my blood boil. How dare he touch what's mine. He's going to regret it, big time.

She tried to get away from him but his grip was strong. He said something, she nodded and then he let her go. She followed him to the car and he showed her something on his laptop.

"Stop" I ordered Jay so that we could see what was on the laptop. He tried to zoom in but it wasn't that visible.

"Damn it" I groaned as I ran my hand through my hair.

"It seems like that is something very important " Tae commented as he observed the screen

He pressed play and then  Isan closed his device. He said some words that made her to shake her head while a sickening grin was planted on his face. He finally drove away, what I assumed was to our house.

"Jay, I know you can do it, hack that PC and bring me information" I commanded as I went towards my room without even waiting for the response.


I feel empty, I feel helpless, hopeless, all of those fucked up emotions But if it means avoiding the massacre that is supposed to happen, then so be it. I cant allow those innocent people to just die like that. I've been trapped inside this apartment since the day I encountered him. I couldn't go back to work, I couldn't face him. Let alone anyone. Not even my bestfriend.  She calls and leaves a messages every now and then I know she's worried but I can't bring myself to face her, I don't wanna lie to her and now I'm just home, our shared apartment.

I had no where to go so, I went back to our old apartment. Luckily I had a spare key. When Isan dropped me, he made sure to keep an eye on me, for me not to make a stupid move. Since I had refused to go and live with him, the son of a bitch was practically forcing me to go with him then I refused. That's when he said he'll be watching me.

It was around nine in the evening when I heard footstep outside my room. I quickly sat up on my bed and saw the handle move. I got out of the bed, looked under it and took out a baseball bat. I went towards the door and made sure to stand behind it when the stranger opens.

The person opened the door and without thinking I lifted the bat and smashed the stranger in the head. He winced and stumble back but the moment I tried to hit him again he took a hold of the object and snatched it, throwing it away.

"No. .  Leave me alone. . " I closed my eyes and tried to fight him when he grabbed my arms.

"Jesus, where did you get that strength from?" The voice sounded familiar but I guess I was just clouded by fear


"Sshh sshhh, it's okay, it's me, it's me" the man said as he tried to calm me down. I then opened my eyes and looked at him


"Yes, wonder woman , it's me"

"Oh my God" I threw myself at him as he hugged me back.

"It's gonna be okay, sshhh" he soothed me as I cried in his arms

"Ho- how'd you get here?!"

"By car?!"

"No, dumbass, you know what I mean" I rolled my eyes as he laughed a little and said

"Well, I'm your bodyguard and I'm supposed to be watching over you remember?"

"But. . . .it's been two days, Why'd you come now?"

"The fool who took you obviously doesn't know who you belong to, even if he did, he doesn't know the real Jimin and he doesn't know that you have a bodyguard, so I had to be careful"

"And how did you get in, I'm sure he had some people watching over me."

"Yah, well, I killed them, you see, you gotta learn of the situation first before you take action, if I had been careless, it wouldn't have ended well"

"Oh. . ." That's all I said

"Oh my goodness " I gasped as I looked at his neck

"What. . What is it?" He questioned seeing me gasp

" You're bleeding" I said as I placed my hands on my mouth

"Oh really, no wonder it's stinging, that's why I called you wonder woman, your nick name is wondey from now on" he commented with a grin

"Stop joking, it must be hurting"

"No its cool, don't worry about me"

"But. . . .I can't just. . . .wait here" I waltzed to the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

I gestured him to sit down on the bed while I climbed and positioned myself behind him. I opened the kit and took out the cleaning materials. He kept on wincing due to the burn of the chemical on the wound. I spread my thighs a little so that I could be closer to him and blow on the  wound to reduce the pain.

I felt his hand on my thigh almost squeezing it when the chemical touched his wound

"I'm sorry " I mumbled but it was good enough for him to hear it.

"It's okay, it's not that painful " he grabbed the sheets with the other hand refraining from making any sound when I cleaned the wound one last time.

I could see from where I was that he was gnawing on his bottom lip. I took the bandaid and covered the wound.

"Stop doing that, you'll bleed" I touched his chin so that he could let go of his lip.

He let go and turned his head to look at me. He looked all over my face and. . .

"Let's go, I have to get you out of here"

"NO" I said rather quickly which made him to widen his eyes

"What do you mean?"

"I can't.  . I . . . He. ." I really wanted to tell him but I didn't know how.

"I know you've been threatened" What he said, shocked me

"Wha- what? How?"

"Y/N, we are a mafia"

"But how are you going to deal with the bombs?"

"The bombs?" To say he was shocked would be an understatement.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now