Chapter 53

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Double update 😁😁

I've been thinking about last night the whole day. The touches, the kisses, and the love Jimin gave  yesterday, made me smile. Not just yesterday but each and every day.

"Who got you smiling like that?"  Eunbi said as she sat on the stool.

"Well, no one." I smiled sheepishly.

"Liar, it's your boyfriend,  isn't it?." She wiggled her eyebrows

I cackled. "Who else."

"Damn, you're so in love." She smiled.

"Of course, I love him so much that I'm going crazy."

"You're good for each other, Y/N. I wish you all the happiness."
She took my hands in hers, her lips curling upwards.

"Thank you, Euns."

"Anyway, I just wanted to see how you're doing before you go."

I knew what she was implying, and I was happy that she was worried about me.

"Well, I'm good, love. I couldn't be more than happier."

"That's good."

She stood up and said, "Well, see you later."

"Mmmh." I hummed.

I waved at her and continued doing my stuff. After a few hours, I was done, and I was getting ready to leave. I took my things and went outside. The chauffeur was waiting for me, and the second he saw me, he opened the door and closed it after I got in.

We greeted each other, and I was preparing myself for what's gonna happen. I passed time by engaging in a conversation with my chauffer. We talked for a bit until we felt the car step on something and make it stop.

"Why, what's wrong?" I asked when I heard him curse.

"I think I stepped on something sharp. Let me check it."

I nodded, and he got out.

I decided  to go out too and see for myself. I found him observing the tyre, and it was indeed punctured.

"Must've stepped on something sharp." I looked around to find the object but couldn't see anything.

"Let me take out the new tyre and insert it."

The chauffeur went to the back of the car and opened the trunk. Just as he was about to take out the tyre, a bullet hit his chest, and he fell to the ground.

I looked around but couldn't see anything. I began to panic and went to the man lying on the floor. I tried to shake him but couldn't wake up.

"No, no, no. Hey, wake up." I called, but it was of no use.

I touched his chest and felt something.

"Hey, there, Y/N."  The voice I was not fond of, called me.

I turned and saw Isan's father. He wasn't alone, but he was with some of his men.

"What do you want?" I scowled.

"You'll know soon enough, but right now, why don't you be a good girl and come with me."

Lee Yang Shin said as he reached his hand forward.

I looked at it and spit on it.

"Why you little. . ." He wiped his hand on his jacket while I smirked.

"You'll pay for that.. . . . . .Take her." He ordered.

I tried to run, but the men were too fast, and they caught me.

"Leave me. . . Leave me, you bastards." I tried to fight with them, but their hands tightened more.

"No.  . . Get your filthy hands off of mmmhhhhmmm. " I couldn't finish my sentence as they put a cloth on my nose and mouth. The air was totally getting sucked away from my lungs. I couldn't breathe and finally lost consciousness.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now