Chapter 31

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Somewhere around the world . . .

"Capo, we found the description of the person we've been looking for, our three spies just confirmed it now"

"Really? I want all of the information and the details, the background, the family, the lifestyle, everything"

"Sì, on it Capo" ( yes.. . boss)

"After so many years and I had to know this only a year ago. . . . .Liah,  why didn't you tell me. . Even though I know I'm the one who left. . . . . But you could've just told me somehow. . . . .anyhow. . .

Why didn't you tell me that we had our own principessa?"


I was sitting on the dining table beside Jimin eating our dinner when I noticed Abbs and Tae stealing glances at each other. I took a mental note to ask Abbs later because what I was saw could only mean one thing, I just need to confirm it.

"Y/N, you won't believe what just happened " Abbs said all excited.

"What?" I asked back

"Jin just bought our Café shop"

"What? Why?. . .not that I'm against it but. . ."

"Apparently, my boss wanted to relocate to another country, so she just sold it. She just came in the morning together with Jin and introduced him as the new owner of the Café"

"Wow . . Thats fucking awesome. . Now we'll all be close, that's really awesome" I cheerfully said

"I know right, this is the best thing that has ever happened. . I mean I loved my previous boss but I just know Jin will be an even greater boss" Abbs squealed saying with dreamy eyes.

Tae cleared his throat and showed a little bit of jealousy

"Ohk, I've been holding it for a while now, what is happening between the two of you? is there something we're missing? I asked totally indicating at the both of them.

"Well, you see, Y/N, I. . .we. . .umm. . " She rambled clearly hesitating

"We're kinda like a thing" Tae cut her and blurted out

I looked at my best friend to confirm it and she just nodded

"When?.  . .how?.  .where?.  .and Why didn't you tell me?" I asked totally sad, even though I had figured it out, just the thought of her not telling me was bothering me

"I just needed the right time to say it, I'm sorry" she held back her tears and  stood up to hug me

"How did it happen and when"?

"Well, it happened a week ago after the guys visited. He was frustrating me. . .sexually of course.  . Seems like he was too, so we just hit it off and we've been together ever since. We just wanted to see how far we'll go" she explained still hugging me, flashing a smile at the said male.

"So you guys slept together?" My question kinda made her to shy away and I looked at Tae to find him smirking.

"I. Want. All. Of. The. Details later" I gritted my teeth looking at my best friend.

I heard Jimin snicker and I looked at him

"You knew about this?"

"I figured it out but it wasn't my place to tell" he shrugged

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now