Chapter 51

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My mind played what Jimin said for a thousand times. That man. . . .Isan's father is the man who murdered my Minnie's parents? The man who took away his childhood?

I was so angry at the thought that the man was just in front of me a couple of hours ago, and I didn't even know.

Gasps filled the room as everyone opened their mouths in shock.

"You're telling me that, THAT man. . . Is Isan's father and the one who murdered your parents?" My best friend asked.

"That's the man. . ." Jimin stood up and paced around the room.

"He won't see it coming, and I'm gonna make sure that I give him hell."  Anger was taking over him as he panted heavily.

I stood and hugged him to calm him down.

"Minnie, calm down. We're here with you. You won't do this alone, and we're all together with you, hhmm?"

His breathing became soft as he calmed down. He wrapped his arms around my back and nodded.

"Let's sit down, love. . Or do you need a minute?" I gently released him from my hold and looked at him.

"No, it's ohk. Thank you, baby. I dont know what I'd do without you." He spoke with a smile.

I directed him to his seat, and we sat down.

"Ohk, everyone. I have a plan. . .and if you have something to say, please share." Everyone nodded.

We spoke for hours and hours discussing our plan. Everyone had their parts, and they knew what to do.

"I'll tell some of my men to come here for backup," my dad said as he took out his phone.

After talking to the phone, he told Jimin that his men would do as told.

"Thank you, everyone. " Jimin thanked the people in the room.

"I know that, after this, some of yall are gonna be injured in this mission. It's gonna be dangerous,  I'm not gonna lie to you, so if you wanna back out, you're free to do so. I'll understand, and I won't hold it against you."

It became silent for a minute as everyone looked at each other. We all gave each other a knowing look and a smile.

"We're all family after all, and family doesn't back out on each other. We grew up together, and we will grow old together.  We'd do anything for each other." Jin commented as he smiled.

"Yah, Chim. You're my soulmate. How can I leave you alone on this. You know I'm forever on your side." Tae gave him his boxy smile.

"Exactly, Min, you're my brother, and I won't let you do this all alone." Joon also commented.

"Why'd it become sentimental all of a sudden?. Yaahh, Park Jimin, you may be our boss, but you're our friend first. So you're stuck with us." Jay stated as his sunshine radiated all over the room.

"Just as everyone said, we die together." JK flashed him a smile, crunching his nose.

"What shit are you talking about Jimin, you know we won't go anywhere even if you killed us. We'd haunt you, so basically, we're not leaving you, right guys?" Adelina cheerfully said as he looked at her twin and then at dad.

"You know it damn well, sis." Ale said, and dad nodded, smiling.

"Babe, even if you wanted me to leave you, I wouldn't. I did once, and I saw how much damage it caused us. I really can't live without you, so I ain't going anywhere." I said my part and held his hand. He gave me a smile and planted a short kiss on my lips.

Everyone said what they felt, and one person was left. We all looked at the said person, and he blinked rapidly, looking at us.

"We are not going anywhere." Suga finally said, and everyone cheered.

"Uh, you guys. . . . .what'd I do without you." Jimin looked at everyone, and we all smiled.

He suddenly stood and held out his hand forward. His friends knew what he was doing, and Tae  held out his hand first, putting it on top of Jimin, and everyone followed.

"Family, on 3. . . . . . . .2. . . .1" Jimin ordered

"FAMILY." we all shouted and hugged each other.

I mean, we don't know what tomorrow will bring for us... .


On the other hand. . . . . .

Yang Shin took out his phone and contacted someone. It took a few rings before the person answered on the other side.

"Viktor, I need a few more men." Shin said as he rubbed his chin.

" . . . And why's that?" Viktor asked.

"I can't find my son, I asked the girl, but she said she doesn't know."

"Do you believe her?"

"No, and I know she's lying. I saw the way she tensed a bit when I mentioned his name."

"Hhmmm. . . Interesting. Well, why don't I come there as well?" Viktor suggested, amusement in his voice.

"And do what exactly?"

"Come on, it's been a while since I've seen South Korea. I wanna visit, besides, we'll look for your son together."

"Well, suit yourself"

"Great, I'll see you later."

"Prepare for my next visit, Y/N."

Hello my Angels. How are y'all doing?

I'm great too. . It's been a long week🤧

Anyway, I decided to do another story. Please check it out and tell me what y'all think.

The story is called The Royal Mates🤗🤗🤗
I've already posted chapter 1

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now