Chapter 49

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"Hello there," a voice said while I was busy cleaning the glasses. As I lifted my head to look at the owner of the voice, I stilled all my movements. A chill came down my spine.

It was the man who was staring at me the other day.

"Hello to you too." I composed myself quickly not to seem scared.

"Can you give me the best drink you have?" The person requested. 

I nodded and took out a glass. Took a bottle of mimosa. I poured the drink and added the ice cubes before giving him.

"Aahh, my favourite." He gave me a smile and sipped his Mimosa.

As he drank, I took the chance to study him. He was in his late  50s. He wore a long black coat and a black outfit underneath. He also had a scar right above his eye.

I looked over to where Kook was standing and he was on high alert. Just the look on my eyes, and he knew that something was up. He was about to come to me but I subtly shook my head 'no', indicating that I've got this.

"Why were you staring at me the other day?" I questioned him without even a single terror in my voice.

He chuckled, "straight to the point."

I raised an eyebrow, showing him that i was completely serious.

"Where is my son?" He asked, his voice full of authority

"Your son. .?"

"Isan." He spoke as he leaned forward to the counter.

I gasped a little, as the thought of him being buried somewhere invaded my mind.

"I don't know him and why are you asking me? Don't you keep tabs on your son?"

He downed the remaining contents and put the glass down with a thud.

"Listen, girl, don't play with me." He glared at me.

He put his hand in his pockets to take something out. I took a step back because I thought he was taking out something dangerous.

A phone came out of his pocket and I relaxed a bit. He tapped on his phone a few times and showed me a picture.  What I saw was something that should not have been there.

"Remember this?" He asked.

I remained quiet and just stared at the photo. It was the time when Isan held me captive at my own apartment. A day before the company party, he had forced me to take a picture with him. He wrapped his hand around my shoulder and forced me to smile.

"Now I'm gonna ask you for the last time, where. Is. My. Son?"

"I'm also saying it for the last time, I don't know where your son is." I said back completely annoyed.

He took his phone away from my face and put it back in his pocket. He took out his wallet , took some cash out and put it on the counter.

"Keep the change."  He stood up from his seat and glared at me one last time before turning around and walking towards the exit. Two giant men stood up from where they were sitting and followed him out.

I released a breath of relief and put a hand on my chest.

"Are you ohk?" Kook came and asked.

"I am, but I think we might have a problem."

"What problem?"

"The man you just saw now was Isan's father." I explained to him as he widened his eyes.

"We got to inform Jimin, NOW"

After Kook said that, I went straight to Joon's office. I knocked and went inside with Kook.

"Joon, we have a problem" I said as soon as I stepped inside.

"What problem?" He looked away from his laptop and gave me his attention.

"I just met a man downstairs and he said that he was Isan's father."


"Yah, he wanted to know where he was."

"But how does he know you?"

"The time when Isan held me captive, he took a photo of us and it seems like he sent it to his father." I explained as I paced back and forth the room.

"Why didn't you tell us about this?"

"How would I know? I thought it was just a picture, and it completely slipped my mind" I slightly raised my voice.

"Calm down, Y/N, we'll fix this, ohk?!" He stood up and came to my side.

I sighed, "I'm sorry for raising up my voice, I'm just aarrrgg . . . . . nervous. . .and scared."

"Did you tell Jimin?"

"Not yet, I thought maybe I should come and ask to leave early?"

"Ohk, you can go. . But wait, call him NOW."

I nodded and did as he instructed. Just as the phone rang, he picked up. I told him what happened and he wasn't happy at all. He told me to come to the HQ along with the others.

"What did he say?"

"He said we should come to the headquarters.  . .all of us. He said he'll call my dad and the twins to come and join us. He also said there's some important information they found."

"Ohk, let's go, I'll tell someone to close this up later."


He took his coat and some important belongings before  going to the HQ.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now