Chapter 5

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Aaarrrggggg. Who is calling me at this hour? "Hello" I answered my phone with irritation in my voice. "When are you coming home?" a voice said at the other end of the phone. Great now I'm gonna have a bad day. This voice irritates me so much, I hate it so bad I want to cry. "Umm, aunt, I was planning to come this weekend bec-. . " I don't care about your reasons, I want you here tomorrow morning " my aunt said as she yelled at me. "Ohk, I'll be there". She hang up on me before I could even talk any further. I laid on my bed, facing the ceiling  at the thought of going home to my aunt. I checked the time and it was 10 AM.

My aunt was the one who took care of me when my  mother died and when my father abandoned me. Till this time, we don't know the cause of my mother's death, I came from school one day and found her body on the floor not moving, she was declared dead when the police came who were called by our neighbors. My father abandoned me after my mother's death as he said he couldn't take care of me. My aunt then had no choice but to take me in.

The first few years were ohk, but my aunt changed as I was starting my high school and she said that I'm gonna pay her money back  that she spent on me all those years. Her husband is a gambler and he doesn't like me that much as well. So it's a shitty home and a shitty situation. I know for a fact that, the reason she's calling me, is because she wants money.

I should call my boss to ask for leave. I took my phone as I phoned my boss. "Hello, Y/N"  I heard his voice at the other end. "Yes, sir, I. . Umm. . need to request for a leave sir, for only 2 days". I said as I was fidgeting with the hem of my sleeping shirt. "And may I ask why?" He questioned me as I felt the concern in his voice. " something happened at home and I need to be there tomorrow " I said hoping for him to agree to it. "Ohk, no problem Y/N I'm giving you only 2 days. I expect you to be here on Saturday" he said as I was releasing a breath I didn't know I held. "Yes boss, understood, thank you,  bye". I said hanging up the call after he bid me goodbye as well.

I got up from my bed as I started to get ready to go to my aunt's house. I did my morning routine and chose my outfit for the day. I quickly packed my stuff in my bag and went downstairs.  Not forgetting to leave a note for Abby because she went early in the morning to work.

It was around the evening when I arrived at my aunt's place. I opened the door and announced that I have arrived but they didn't respond to me but they were in their living room. "What took you so long?" My aunt asked me, as she stood up from the sofa and faced me. "Traffic aunt. You know th-" I tried to tell her the reason but she cut me saying, "so since, you've completed your college, you think that you're a grown up and you can talk back at me huh!"

"No aunt, it's nothing like that" . I said with a low voice as I looked down to the floor. "Let the girl rest, Mina, we'll talk about it tomorrow" my uncle said as he held beer in his hand downing it. "Did you come with my money?" She asked me as she raised her eyebrow, ignoring what my uncle said to her. "I don't have money, I just started working rece-.. . ." I couldn't finish my sentence as I felt a sharp pain on my left cheek as she slapped me. "I want my money the time you get back there. . . .useless piece of shit" she said as she walked away, leaving me there in my own tears.

I went to my room and closed the door behind me, I got in the shower as I cried my eyes out. Why are they treating me like this. Am I ever going to be loved . I thought as the droplets hit my face mixing together with my tears.

After the shower, I got in to the covers, relaxing as my back hit the soft mattress.  Traveling for such a long time is tiring. I quickly got my phone, plugged it in the charger and sent a message to my best friend, telling her that I arrived safely.

Hey Abbs, I arrived. I miss you already. ☹️

I miss you too. Come fast ohk, I can't live without you.😭😭😭

Why you so dramatic, brat.

you no fun. I'm going to sleep

Sure Abbs. Don't let the bed bugs bite😈😈. Good night


I chuckled at her comment and put my phone on top of the drawer that was beside my bed and shut my eyes as sleep took me away to dreamland.

Sorry for the short update 😅.  I'll be back with more. That's for sure 😌

Thank you for reading until this end. Love you

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