Chapter 56

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When they arrived at the room Shin was, they kicked the door open and found him with other men.

"Who are you?" He took out his gun.

"My my my, look who we have here!" Riccardo said as he looked at Viktor.

"You." Viktor spoke, surprised.

"Who is he?" Shin asked as he looked at Viktor.

"He's my enemy." Viktor gritted his teeth.

All this while Jimin glared at Shin. The moment he has been waiting for. The man who took his childhood away was right in front of him. The dark glare he gave him made Yang Shin shiver a little.

His gaze was sharper than a double-edged sword. He looked around, trying to study the room. It had two windows, two couches, and a table in the centre of the room.

"Who are you, young man, and why are you glaring at me like that?" Shin got the courage to talk despite the fright he had.

Jimin smirked before answering. "You'll know soon enough."

"Are you here for the girl?" Viktor tilted his head as he asked.

As soon as the words left the man's mouth, Jimin slightly widened his eyes but immediately composed himself as he didn't want to let the men in front of him know that she was his weakness.

Before Jimin could answer, Riccardo beat him to it.

"Where is she?" He gritted his teeth as he moved forward towards them, but as soon as he took a step, the guards in the room took out their weapons ready to defend their boss.

Viktor smiled a little, knowing that their two guests were riled up a little. He gestured his head towards the door to one of his men, indicating that he should go and take Y/N.

Jimin and Riccardo weren't fazed by any of them. They were calm and collected.

"Now, now, Riccardo, don't make a rush decision, or else your blood will colour this floor." Viktor said, enjoying a little too much.

"Don't worry, she'll soon be joining you here." He continued speaking as he sat on the sofa, crossing his legs. Trying to look intimating.

"You think you're intimidating? Tch, you'd better try harder. You're not even close to it. You just sound like a barking dog."

Jimin grinned as he moved to the other sofa and took a seat. He was now sitting opposite to Viktor.

Viktor clenched his jaws at the insult.

"So you're the Russian mafia who has been helping this fucker?!" He moved his head towards Shin.

"Not bad if I must say, covering up his tracks and all his movement was quite good but not good enough." He continued as he adjusted his position, man spreading.

The Russian mafia just stared at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about.

Jimin leaned forward as he put his elbows on the knees. This time, when he spoke, both the men widened their mouth in shock.

"I mean, the money that you've been transferring to a certain Lee Isan ."

He smirked at the look both men were displaying. He was really enjoying it. He really wanted to buy some time. He didn't want to make a haste decision until he was sure that his girl was safe. He was just waiting for any signal to move on with his plan.

"W-what are you t-alking about?" Shin stuttered as he approached Jimin.

"Let me give you a hint, ever heard of 'CHAOS'?"

When they heard the name, they gasped as if their eyes will pop out of their sockets.

"You're Chaos? Thee Chaos?" Viktor jumped up in his seat as he got excited.

Shin just stared at Jimin without even saying anything.

"I've been dying to see you, you know. That is one of the reasons why I came here. I wanted to do business with you."

"Oh?!" Jimin said as he became interested.

"Yes. The way you do business is just so perfect. . .I love how calculated you are. I hear you're the feared mafia here in Korea."

Viktor explained while Jimin chuckled.

"Well, thank you. I'm flattered." Jimin bowed a little.

"You see, Shin, I told you that we won't go back without seeing him." He smirked as he looked at the said person.

"Well, I'd like to decline." Jimin replied.

"Why, we'd make such good partners. We'd be feared together around the world, and we'd be stronger together." Viktor tried to convince him as he looked at Shin for backup, but the latter just kept quiet. His eyes were moving along with Jimin's  movements.

"I just don't want to." He said with a cocky smile.

Viktor chuckled as he felt rejected. He couldn't believe that HE, Viktor Sidorov, got rejected. No one rejects him, and he doesn't take no for an answer.

"Are you sure?" He asked, feeling desperate.

"Very sure." Jimin said as his lips curved into  a smile.

Viktor sighed, and Shin asked. "What did you do to Isan?" His voice was laced with anger.

Just as Jimin was about to answer, the door was harshly opened.

"Boss, the girl escaped."

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now