Chapter 32

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A few days later

~Y/N ~

I was on my way to Joon's office because apparently he had something to tell me. I knocked a few times and heard a 'come in'. I opened the door and entered. He flashed me his dimple smile when I approached him.

"Y/N, take a seat please" he pointed at the seat infront of him.

I pulled it and sat on it.

"Yes, boss"

"I'll just get to the point since you can't leave your post for long"

"Ohk, I'm nervous, did I do something wrong"

"No, relax, nothing of that sort"

I visibly relaxed at his words.

"So, there's a client. . . . . ." He paused as he waited for my reaction.

"Yes. . . .?"

"He wants you to be his personal server"

I kinda got an idea who it was but I needed to clarify.

"Can i know the name of that client?"

"You know I ain't supposed to do that but since you're now family and I trust you, I guess I can say it. . . . . . .the name's Isan"

"Of fucking course, I just knew it, you know this guy has been behind my back since SNU, I don't know what's his problem. The other day he just came and demanded that I be his personal server, I swear the guy is annoying me. . . .and weird. He has this kind of bad energy radiating from him."

"Why didn't you report him, if he was giving you a hard time?"

"I thought I could handle it and I did. I just didn't think he'll even go this far"

"Well, he even paid a lot of money for you"

"What the actual fuck, why on earth would he do something like that. .just how much did he pay exactly "

"Half a million"


"I know right, he's really crazy" he added

"I'm not going anywhere near him"

"It's ohk, you don't have to do it if you don't want it, I told you before, things like this happen and the customers sometimes end up requesting for other things with the reason that they paid a lot of money, so you don't have to." He explained as he leaned back into his chair

"What you gonna do with the money?"

"Give it back of course"


"Well that is it Y/N, you can go back, or unless you have something to say. . . " he spoke after a moment of silence.

"I'm noo. . Well. . .yah kinda. . ..just that. . . Umm. . "

"Say it please" he chuckled

"Well, I'm sorry for . . You know. . The mess we did last time, I mean I hadn't had time to speak to you properly" I spoke referring to the decoration we did to the house with the food

It was silent for a while until he bursted into laughter.

"Come on, I wasn't that angry, albeit I was shocked to the mess, it was just surprising to see Jimin have the fun of his life. . . that he hasn't had in forever"

"I'm glad" I smiled at him

"He really is happy. . .he hasn't been happy after the tragedy. . . ." His voice trailed off

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now