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MY PHONE RANG AS I QUIETLY walked around my side of the room, putting up my new curtains and bedding. As I was adding all of the pillows I'd purchased, I was interrupted by the buzzing of my phone.

"Morning mom." I sank into my bed, which felt more comfortable than before.

"So, how was your first day?"

"I made new friends. My roommate, Maxine, and a psych major, Sevyn. We shopped yesterday and went for pizza at this pizza bar on campus."


"Yeah, but I didn't drink or anything. It was a nice night."

"I'm so happy to hear it. I didn't want to bother you, but your package is scheduled to be delivered in the next hour. I know you need your clothes and things, so stay put and call me if you need anything."

"Thanks, mom. Love you."

Right on down to the moment the delivery company knocked on my door, I stayed in the same spot on my bed, thumbing through all eight hundred photos and videos of Aaron and I. From beach photos of us cuddling on a towel, making out, playing in the ocean, or laughing with friends, to school pictures and videos of us fooling around at his house and mine. There were a variety of moments to relive. My favorite one of all was us in bed the night I lost my virginity. He filmed me lying there, half dressed, hair messy, and makeup smeared. Although all you could see was his forearm and hand, you could see and feel the love we shared. It was written all over my face.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world." Whispering sweetness into my skin, kissing me from my thighs, up to my hips, and back, neck, then the back of my hair. The camera following every move he made on my body, he squeezed me, forcing me into him as he curled up behind me. "Thank you for sharing the most valuable, vulnerable part of yourself with me."

"I love you, Aaron." Whispering between my smiling, I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. "You are my whole world."

That night was a night I'll never forget. Aaron waited three years, patiently, for me to feel ready to make the biggest decision in my adolescence. The night after homecoming, junior year, my parents were both in Paris. That was the night everything had fallen into place, perfectly. It was one of the greatest nights of my life. I knew I'd love Aaron forever, and nothing or no one would ever stand in the way of the love we shared.

"What are you over there smiling about?" Maxine interrupted me deep in my vivid daydream.

Reluctantly, I debated on rather I wanted to share that part of my life with her. I'd learned over the years that sharing every aspect of your life, ideas, background, and things that make up the person that you are, was unnecessary. More than half the people you meet in life are temporary place fillers. Maxine could very well be one of them. With that thought, I opted out.

THE FIRST DAY OF FALL SEMESTER was a mess. It was easy to pick out the freshman from everyone else. We were all scrambling, putting on the façade like we were so perfect and determined. By my third class, I was beat, and had no energy left to pretend I had it all together. The bad news was it was a biology class. Good news was all we went over was our syllabus and expectations.

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