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After having an emotional breakdown, I felt lighter. The amount of weight, no longer bearing down on me, driving my feet deeper and deeper into the earth, no longer existed. Although I wasn't completely relieved of my sadness, the amazing feeling of releasing some of that pain filled me with something other than darkness. If I were a religious man, I'd thank God for the friends that I had. I'd praise the heavens for the support system I was blessed with. It was that day that I realized I needed them. I loved them all. Most importantly, I loved Giselle.

"I want you to love me." Giselle whispered as we swayed from side to side. Her arms locked around my neck as she stared up at me. Her eyes whispering all of her secrets beneath the haze of reverence. She looked at me and she saw me, just like I saw her. She felt me, just like I felt her. She loved me, just like...

"Giselle Mone, I am in love with you. I don't just love you. I want to be with you. I want to make you happy and fill your heart with passion and joy." As the last few words rolled off my tongue, my lips spread from one side of my face to the other.

"I love you, baby."

Mmm. Baby.

I could take her somewhere and rip every cloth from her body at that moment. Baby. That one simple word ricocheted from my ears to my mind and my heart to my soul. Never in a million years would I have imagined running off to escape gore, only to find a galore of pure love. Never in a million years would I imagine losing the love of my life to find another. I had to cherish her. I had to wrap her up in my arms and never let her go. I had to protect what we had and see It through, because this was meant for me. For now. And forever.

"Okay." I sighed.

"Okay." She smiled.

By noon the next day, everyone had gone home. I'd dropped Giselle and Sevyn off at the airport, Loki's people sent a car to pick him up, Max's mom came for her, Vanessa caught an Uber to the ferry, and Zack was the last to go. After missing his flight with Giselle, he caught a flight later that night back to Cali. The area wasn't as empty as I thought it would be, locals scouring about the streets from shop to shop, preparing for their family gatherings. The town had begun hanging Christmas lights and décor throughout the city, making it feel very warm and festive. I found myself at Hanigan's in my favorite little corner, having the usual.

"How are you, Angel? Need anything else?" Zoe stood at the end of the booth, eyeing me.

"What the hell happened? Did you lose a bet?" I couldn't take my eyes from her hideous new hair. Purple? Of all the colors in the world she chose purple. What was up with the pizza girls and purple hair?

"Actually, like your friend, V, I did lose a bet. So—tada!" Spinning a full three sixty in the middle of the floor, she didn't show any sign of embarrassment. The shit was hideous. "Anyway, how have you been?"

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm not trying to make small talk. I was asking with genuine concern."

"Oh, you're concerned about me?" Sarcasm roared from the back of my throat. How could she be concerned about me?

"Forget it." As she attempted to storm off, I grabbed her wrist, pulling her back to my corner before she could take off.

"I'm good. I'm better." I nodded.

"You've avoided this place for weeks. Then you show up one day and have your way with Vanessa in the restroom."

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now