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**WARNING** This chapter contains drug use, violence, sexual content, and mature language


WEEK ONE OF COLLEGE went by quickly. Each class went as expected, confidence and assurance exuding from my chest poked and chin lifted demeaner. I had a feeling that I was being prepared for the world and equipped with all the necessary tools to become successful in this new venture of mine. After class every day, I ate, rode my bike to my apartment, and indulged in video games for the remainder of the night. On Friday night, I agreed to go to a function with Vanessa. Partly torn between staying at home and attending this little party, I almost paced a hole into my living room floor as I waited for her to get ready. Finally, an anticipated knock sounded at the door. Opening to greet her, I was surprised to a see a toned-down brunette standing in front me.

"Well..." Spinning around with a wide smile spread across her face, she waited for my reaction.

"So much better." I praised.

"Thanks. We'll see how long it lasts. You ready?"

"Nope but let's do it."

I hopped in the car with Vanessa as she drove towards the beach. I hadn't gotten a chance to visit the beach since I arrived. Disappointed that I wouldn't be able to enjoy the view at night, I talked myself into being satisfied that I was there to begin with and settled with that feeling. Once we arrived, I got out and waited for Vanessa to do whatever it was she was doing in the car. I saw the visor light on, so I figured that meant she was fixing her face or hair or some silly thing that girls did.

"Ok. Once we get in here. Please, try to act like a normal college guy."

"What does that mean?" I walked ahead of her, feeling her trailing closely behind me.

"It means socialize. Talk to girls. Have fun. Get laid?"

I laughed at her last question.

We entered the beach house. Music filled the inside and outside, bouncing from wall to wall and trailing outside where an even larger sound system covered the pool area. There were hundreds of people spread throughout. All of the girls looked the same, wild, out of it, loud, and messy. The sight of it all made my stomach turn. This scene was just a larger, richer version of home; adding grand pianos, marble floors, white couches, statues, expensive art, large staircases, a pool and jacuzzi, and about ten rooms. Same people, different faces. Same drug, different laces. I was over it the moment I walked in.

"You're headed in the wrong direction. Smile." Vanessa nudged me.

"If you're going to crowd me all night, reminding me what mood I'm in but should be in, please take me home." I growled.

"Suit yourself."

And just like that, she disappeared into the crowd. I preferred it that way. I was better off alone, in my own zone, being the new me I'd earned the right to be. I promised Lee that I wouldn't sulk or fall into my depressed slump, and I intended on keeping the promise. I was going to enjoy my night. I took out my papers, and I rolled three large spliffs. Lighting one, I walked around the pool area, finally soaking in the environment and people I'd be surrounded by the next few years.

"What's up man, you new around here?" I heard a guy, southern as they come, approach me from behind. I turned to face him, seeing his extended hand and welcoming grin.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now