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"WAKE UP!" a woman's voice shouted at me. "You have to order something if you want to stay in here."

"What the fuck? I did order." I groaned.

"Yeah, yesterday. It's a new day. New shift."

"Where's Adrienne?"

"She's off, hun. You're stuck with Big Momma. Now order something." Tapping her pin on her pad, she waited for me to speak. I was too busy trying to piece together my last memory and the hours that had passed. It was daylight.

I looked down at my phone. I had a dozen calls from Giselle. Right when I began calling her back, a text message came in. "I gave you the night to think things through. Why aren't you home? Angel please pickup." I didn't need to think things through. I was angry. She chose to conspire with her mom and Aaron of all fucking people to fly off to the other side of the world and had no thought process as to when she'd tell me. What was there to think about? Yeah, my reaction was wrong. I should've stayed home and faced her like a man, but there was still nothing that I needed to think about.

"Your order, sir."

"Water." I responded quickly, not wanting to be bothered at all. "Just water." I stopped speaking, looked up at her, and finished with, "Please?"

"Sure thing."

I didn't need anything else. Not when I had half a pizza and evidence of all the drinks I'd drank sitting on the table. Not when I had decisions to make, time to think, and cycles to break. I couldn't afford many more distractions. I picked up a slice of pizza, biting into the cold cheese and bread. I immediately wanted to spit it out, but I knew I needed to soak up some of the tequila I indulged in just hours before. I was still very heavily intoxicated, extremely irritated, and quite emotional. Hell, I'd been stood by the same girl who ran out on me while possibly pregnant with my kid. My girl. My Lina.

My heart began pounding as I pictured her tiny face. I'd memorized every single feature. Every small detail of that curious little face. She was such a beautiful girl, demanding and adorable. Embedded in the core of my brain was that tiny hand, placed on the back window, reaching out for me. Did she know who I was? Did she know that it was my blood coursing through her veins? Or was it? I knew that if I didn't act fast, I'd never know. I had to find her, and I had to do it quick.

Just as I turned to find my waitress, to cancel the water request and get the check, I locked eyes on her. Blond hair tangled and frizzy, eyes wild yet tired, but beauty still intact. She looked fairly lost. She looked just as she did the first day that I laid eyes on her. Out of place, but in the right place. Shining so brightly in such a dim setting. How could I ever forget that beauty? How could I ever dismiss the concern and worry in those indigo eyes. My beautiful girl.

It wasn't long before her eyes found mine, locking in on me and blessing me with a sly smirk. This was the difference between our first encounter and this one. Giselle actually looked back at me, smiled, and before I knew it, she was walking over in my direction. When she took a seat across from me, I couldn't help but feel a bit of relief. Comfort.

"Is this seat taken?" She whispered softly.

"Uh—" I began to speak, eyeing her suspiciously, what was up with the formalities?

"I was standing with a friend. Noticed you all alone. Thought maybe I could give you some much needed company."

"Is that so?" I smirked. I saw right then and there where she was going with this. She was trying to start over. She was using that charm of hers to reel me in and it was working.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now