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"Lets go!" I felt someone pulling me in the opposite direction, but I couldn't turn to see who It was. There was so much going on around us, the night was dark, no longer lit by the flames of the bonfire. Once we were out of the crowd, I was able to see his face.

"Oh my God. Angel?" I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him close after seeing his bruised face.

"I'm fine. You should see your little friend though." His laugh was like a villain who'd defeated the hero for the first time, victory rumbling through his throat as a certain evil was displayed in his grin.

I could tell he had been waiting for that moment. I knew right away, after looking at the satisfaction in his gaze that he was booking on Roman showing his ass so that he, in response, could show his teeth. And that's exactly what he did. Could I blame him? Of course not. But, when all you want is to have a good time and enjoy a night out with your friends, and it turns into a brawl because your boyfriend had it out for a guy, it isn't as hard to look past.

"Are you okay baby?" On the ride back, Angel placed his hand on my leg, caressing me gently.

"Yes. Why'd you have to do that?"

"When you're disrespected, I'm disrespected." Angel huffed. "If we're going to be together, you have to understand that I'm not tolerating bullshit like that." Angel looked over at me as he drove.

I let out a loud sigh, trying to conjure up the words scrambled in my head. We weren't together. We were just in a crazy misunderstanding only hours earlier. I felt uneasy as the words left my mouth, but I had to express how I felt.

"I don't need you to defend my honor. I don't—"

"Listen. I'm a man. Certain things are unacceptable. I've always let you be yourself and do your thing, but this isn't up for debate."

"So are you going to beat the crap out of everybody who does something you don't like?" I sassed, turning my lip up in disgust.

"Giselle, let it go."

"No! Stop fighting with people. Don't you remember what happened the last time?"


"Angel." I snapped.


The rest of the ride was quiet. The echoes of my loud and erratic heartbeat rang in my ears as I tried to calm myself down. After five minutes or so of no luck, I decided to turn on the radio. The Weekend's, Too Late, smoothed out the vibe quicker than I could plead. I shut my eyes and let the words, "It's way too late to save our souls babe", circulate throughout the confined space. It really was too late. We were so deep inside  a whirlpool of madness and love and everything in between. I knew that Angel would do anything for me, and I for him. What scared me the most, sending goosebumps waving across every inch of my body, was that I had no idea how to remain in control.

"I'll do anything to protect you." Angel finally spoke. I peered in his direction, watching as he focused on the road. "Anything." He growled.

"I know." Speaking lightly, no longer feeling the urge to fight with him. I convinced myself that it wasn't worth arguing over.

"I just don't like when you fight, Angel. Like, I really hate it." I sighed, wanting to stand my ground and not let anyone walk all over me, detouring my feelings for the sake of theirs. I was on a roll, standing up for myself and finding the Giselle that I felt comfortable being.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now