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"Zoe, you're okay?" I mumbled through the door like an idiot. I looked around. All of my other doors were still shut. Then my senses kicked in. Why was my closet door cracked? When I took her to the bathroom, why was my bedroom door open to begin with? I always shut it on my way out. "Hey, you in there?" I knocked one last time.

Finally, after becoming impatient and suspicious all at once, I wiped the sweat, that had seeped through the rough skin of my palms, onto my pants. Grabbing the doorknob, I twisted it slowly to see if it was unlocked. It was. So, I quickly opened the door. No one was there. On the mirror, written in red lipstick was "Find me", in bold print and sealed with a kiss. I let out a loud breath. Turning to the closet door that caught my attention before.

"Zoe?" I called out to her, slowly walking towards the half-closed closet door. Opening it quickly, I realized the only thing inside was linen.

I walked towards my bedroom, scratching at the scruff on my face in aggravation. I hated when people entered spaces they weren't welcomed in. If my eyes could roll any harder, they'd be facing the back of my head. Closing my eyes in sort of a silent prayer, I opened my bedroom door slowly. The lights were still off, so I turned them on. I was relieved to see she wasn't in there either. Lastly, the guest room on the other end of the hall. Feeling at ease because she wasn't in my room, I was able to put a little pep in my step. Opening the door to the guestroom, I'd hit the jackpot. There she was, glistening, as she stood naked in front of the bed.

"Took you long enough." One side of her mouth raised slightly into a smirk.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like college boy? According to your calculations, what do you predict is about to happen?"

Watching her as she swayed from side to side, hands roaming from her hips on up, an excitement rose below my waistband. Her expression oozed of lust and anticipation. Who'd ever thought my favorite little waitress had dreams of getting turned out by yours truly. But I couldn't. I had my heart set on Giselle and I couldn't afford to fuck up again. We'd already had so many reasons to run in opposite directions, there was no way I was about to start up another. Opposed to the idea of giving her exactly what she asked for, with every manic, licentious, inch of me exploiting every sweet edge of her body, I had to get myself out of this.

"You gotta go." I snorted.

"Evidently not." Zoe eyed me for a moment, probably trying to see if i was serious. When i didn't budge, she proceeded, rolling her eyes and making a move to get dressed. Zoe turned her back to me and did what I needed her to do.

I didn't want to appear rude or distasteful, but spending the night next to a woman wasn't something I wanted any part of anymore. Trying to steady by breath, I bit down on the side of my jaw as I leaned back onto the doorframe.

"You don't have to watch me, you know."

"You didn't feel that way when you snuck off and got naked." Why would I be joking as I'm kicking her out? Beats me. It was the only thing I could think of.

"What?" Zoe's was bawled up in a tight wrinkle of disgust.

"Look, I'm sort of seeing someone." I sighed.

"Who? V? She fucks other guys all the time. So what?"

"No. Not Vanessa."

Zoe couldn't take a hint, let alone a blatant attempt to deny her complete access to a night of favors. Walking towards me, dropping the clothes she held in her hands, Zoe pushed me into the wall, gripping on my shirt and biting down on her lips. Distracted, I couldn't help but notice how perfect her lips were, how perky her tits were, and her thighs were thick and toned. I imagined them fitting around my waist nice a snug. A perfect fit. All of these thoughts at me at attention and she knew it, rubbing up against the bulge that formed in my sweats.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now