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                "Merry Christmas!" Lee screamed, straddling me as she woke me from the deadly sleep I'd been lost in for two days.

"Fuck off, Lee." I groaned, pushing her to the floor and turning over onto my side.

"Come on Angel, your parents will be so happy to see you. You have to get up."

"Fuck off!" I yelled out, covering my face with my pillow.

"Please, man. You've been like this ever since you got here. Jeremy and the crew have been waiting to get their hands on you. You're about to surprise your parents for the holidays. You have so much to be happy about. Just get up. Please."


"Come on!!!" Removing the pillow from my face, she leaned down and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry you're hurting. I am. But you have to get up."

I let out a long, loud growl, pushing her off of me and sitting up. My room began spinning, as my head tried to catch up with the sudden movement of my body. Closing my eyes, I squeezed them tightly. Please be all a dream. Please allow me to blink and open my eyes, finding myself back in my apartment with the girl of my dreams. I begged for the universe to hear my cry. Answer my prayers. But nothing. I only opened my eyes to see Lee peering down, desperately, for me to return to the real world.

"I'm done. I have nothing left." I mumbled.

It wasn't until the room changed to my apartment and then Loki's house that I realized something was off. All of a sudden, Lee was no longer there. Lina was smiling down at me as if she hadn't seen me in years. I wanted to speak, but my voice came out as nothing. Mute.

"Wake up! It's time to go!" Lina whispered through her smiling lips.

"Lina?" I frowned, sitting up.

As I rose, I watched as Lina turned into Giselle. Feeling my brows curve downward, meeting in the middle, I stopped breathing, having a hard time understanding what was actually happening.

"Good morning sleepy head. I don't think I've ever seen you sleep so hard." Giselle's lips turned upward as she leaned down to plant a gentle kiss onto my lips.

Still confused, mind racing as I recollected my memory of our last encounter, I said nothing for a while. Unsure of what was going on and why I was back at my apartment, laying next to the woman, who, I was one hundred percent certain, had recently switched up on me and took a filthy exit from my life. But did she? Or was that all a part of my self-destructing imagination?

"Are you okay, Angel?"

"How did you—? Didn't we—?" I began, but unable to put the words together, I froze.

"Baby?" Giselle placed her hand across my forehead, as if to feel my temperature. I must've appeared crazy as hell to her. Hell, I felt just as insane as I probably looked. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're scaring me."

"I thought you left me. I thought you said you couldn't do this anymore because of all the things you were dealing with."

"What?" Nervously, Giselle let out a chuckle, brushing her hair with her fingers. "We had an amazing night last night, chilled out and talked until we'd fallen asleep, and now we're suppose to be heading to Georgia to meet your parents. Are you okay?"

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now