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**WARNING** This chapter contains drug use, violence, sexual content, and mature language


I was rock-hard before she even pulled out my john, giving the onlookers and eye-full of my larger than average package. I saw a sparkle in so many eyes and envy in the guys as they snuck a peak. The old me would've grinned. This me? High as a kite and unphased.

V went to work. After a minute or so, I tilted my head up and closed my eyes. She was good, surprisingly. Using her hands, taking in just about every inch of me as she made these insane gurgling sounds. The way those gurgles caused a tingling sensation in body told me right away, this wouldn't take very long. I was on the edge of breaking in front of hundreds of strangers and I couldn't care less. V got my full attention when she put all of me down her throat, brushing her tongue across my genitals. My head popped up like a dandelion in the middle of spring. Body tensing, I grew hot for her, wrapping her long dark hair around my hand, forcing myself deeper into her throat. Faster. Harder. Deeper.

I looked up, immediately catching the eye of little miss sunshine. Her eyes were wide as she watched V, mouth partially open. If only this was her perfect little lips wrapped around me and bright blonde hair tangled in my fist. Finally, her eyes met mine. I didn't look away, biting down on my lip so hard that I was sure it would leave a mark. She continued to lock in on my gaze. By the look on her face, she was enjoying seeing me enjoy myself. Harder. Deeper. Faster. I rammed more and more into V's throat. Until finally, I yanked her head back for everyone to see, stood above her, and doused her entire face and neck in my fluids. My stare grew more intense as I let go of V's hair, wiped myself off with a towel thrown across my chair, and put away my exposed parts. She still watched me, closely. What was up with her and staring? First, in the classroom. Then, at the party, while I got blown off by another chick. Blondie didn't even seem like the kind of girl to be caught at a party like this, let alone enjoying it. This act. Me.

I walked towards her, and right before brushing past her, I asked, "Want next?", and pushed through the crowd, heading towards the house. I listened as the crowd went nuts. Girls, guys, everybody going crazy over what they'd just witnessed. I heard a few people saying things like "lets all just have an orgy", "that made me horny", "can I get next", and some of the craziest things. I was glad I could assist in everyone getting laid. V trailed closely behind me. Once inside the house, she pushed me up to the wall and started feeling me up, kissing all over my neck. I pushed her back a little, needing a sense of where she was headed, but I didn't need to ask any questions. I took her to the bathroom and bent her over the sink. By the time I was done with her, she was ready to go home, and I was ready for a shower and bed. What a night.

HEADING BACK TO CLASS after an opening weekend like the one I had, it was hard to ignore the stares and whispers. This was not the type of attention someone like me, on the mission I was on, needed. Head down, eyes forward, overlooking the distractions, I focused on getting to where I needed to go and doing what I was there to do. Halfway through the day, I headed to the café for something to eat. I chose the loneliest corner to bury myself in, hoping no one bothered me. What's that saying about wishful thinking?

"Hey. You have a phone?" Looking up and meeting the eyes of an older chick, flirtatious and anxious, she looked at me like I was a medal she dreamt of adding to her trophy case.

"Yeah." I huffed, looking down at the phone I held in my hand.

Snatching my phone from my hand before I could question her further, I watched her as she typed her number in and sent herself a text message. She handed my phone back to me, winked, and walked away. When I looked at the text message, it read call me when you want a real happy ending. A real happy ending? I brushed it off and finished eating.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now