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The rest of the evening at Loki's was smooth; music blasting, video games in rotation, drinking, munching, and of course I smoked a joint or two. Vanessa got a call around seven and left almost immediately. I didn't question her much, but she clearly had something important to do. She didn't even take the time to say bye or let me know she was heading out. Not that she was obligated to do so. It just wasn't something I was used to from her.

By ten pm, Giselle, Zack, Loki, and Sevyn were all making plans to grab a bite to eat at the pizza bar. Not having anything better to do, I decided to go with them. I hadn't been by Hanigan's since the old ladies tried to buy me a drink, and I pissed off the hostess. I prayed the night went better than that one.

"What would you guys like to start with?" Zoe asked, never taking her eyes from her pad. I had a feeling she was avoiding eye contact.

"Start us off with two pitchers of beer, beautiful." Loki flashed a charming smile her way.

"Sure thing." She finally looked up, but not at Loki. "And would you like your usual lemonade?"

Hesitant, as I didn't expect her to single me out, it took a second for me to respond. "Um...yeah." I lowered my head, scratching at my hair. "Thanks Zoe."

"No problem. Take your time on your orders, and I'll be back with your drinks."

Giselle, who was sitting directly across from me, nudged me underneath the table. When I finally looked up at her, she gave me a sweet smile. I had no idea what that was about, but watching her eyes brighten sent an electric wave through my body. What the hell? I stared at her, trying to figure out her motive. I must admit, her poker face was strong. I had no idea why she nudged me and was even more lost about why she smiled at me. After deliberately ignoring her for days and shooting her down when she tried to talk to me at Loki's place, she really wanted to smile at me?

"Ok guys, here's your two pitchers. Angel, here's your lemonade." Zoe interrupted.

Loki and Zack wasted no time with the beer. They both poured themselves a glass quickly, Sevyn and Giselle were deep into a conversation as they whispered to themselves about only God knows what, and I was left to myself with my thoughts. My mind to Lee coming to town and bringing my Mustang down for me. I loved that car at one point. But lately, every time I thought about it or skimmed past a picture that it was in, I cringed. I was nervous. I was scared. I was sad. I hated that car. It held so many memories from late night partying, hooking up with girls, riding around looking for trouble, prom night. My mind was stuck on that Mustang as I sat at the booth with my friends. That was until Loki decided to spice up the night.

"So, you mean to tell me you've only had sex with one person? Like your whole life?" Loki laughed loudly.

It took me a while to tune into the conversation and figure out what was going on, but once I did, I figured out he was talking to Giselle. Her cheeks were fire red as she laughed with him.

"Your entire life?" Loki finished.

"Yes! It's not a big deal." She finally responded between laughter.

"That's a huge deal." Sevyn added.

"Well, how many have you had?"

"At least ten." Sevyn said that proudly, nodding her head matter-a-factly. "But I've never been the one to keep count. "I've slept with maybe seven girls, and I don't know how many guys. Okay, so maybe more than ten."

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now