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"Why, thank you." Grinning as I walked over to the barstool he once occupied, I took a seat, watching him as he tried to copy the bowl I'd just made. Once it was done, he sat next to me, handed me a spoon, and we shared the ice cream like civilized humans.

"Happy now?" He smirked.

"Mm-hmph" I hummed with satisfaction, unable to speak with such a full mouth.

"Giselle, I don't think I ever met a girl that ate as much as you."

"Welp. First time for everything."

"Indeed." With that, Angel picked up the bottle and took two swigs, handing it to me after and I followed suit.

"I'm already so trashed."

"Oh, I know."

"That's your plan? Get me drunk my first night at your place?"

"Who said you were staying over?" If he hadn't smiled right after, I would've taken that question seriously, but he made sure to reveal his intensions quickly.

"Me." I countered, tapping my spoon on his nose.

"Don't do that. We already got ice cream everywhere."

"What you going to do if I do it again?"

"Tackle your little hungry ass."

"Oh my God, you wouldn't."

"Oh, but I would." Angel stood, challenging me if I dared to do anything crazy.

"Look at you!" I jumped up. "You're ready to take my head off."

"More like ready to take the rest of these strings off." Eyeing my body from head to toe, he licked his lips slowly.

"You can't. We're not having sex tonight."

"I know. We're having a 'party' like you said." He teased me, kissing my cheek and walking into the living room.

"Don't turn on the tv." I whined. "TVs aren't at parties. Lets play a game." I stood up and skipped over to where he was, sitting on the floor beneath him.

"Okay. What game?"

"Truth or dare." I snickered.

"Real mature." Rolling his eyes, he turned on the tv.


"Giselle!" Mocking me, he began flipping through the channels.

"Lets play." I whined.

"Okay." Angel put the remote down. "Truth or dare?"




"Is it true that you..." He stopped, seemingly thinking of something to say. "Ooh. Is it true that you liked when V kissed you that night at the bonfire?"


"Answer the question."

"Yes. She's a great kisser."

"I wouldn't know." He huffed.

"Because you supposedly 'threw up' when you kissed her."

"I really did." He laughed.


"Have you kissed girls prior to that?" He changed the subject quickly.

"Nope. She was my first. That's two questions" I announced, holding up two fingers after licking the ice cream off.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now