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**This is the 1st chapter that has both Angel and Giselle's POV**

****Warning: Sex, love, and LUST****


Stepping into the shower, I prayed she joined me. All I craved was more intimacy. Not sex. Just intimate, private, personal interaction. To my surprise, she followed behind me almost immediately. As the water hit her skin, a beautiful glow washed over her. She didn't pay much attention to me at first. Just standing there, underneath the water, drenching her body and hair in the warmth of the shower. I leaned back on the wall opposite to the downpour of the showerhead, admiring her.

"What's wrong?" She finally acknowledged my glare, speaking just above a whisper.

"Nothing at all."

"Well, why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're so beautiful, Giselle." Reaching out slowly, I ran my fingers through her wet hair. She watched me carefully, her chest rising and falling dramatically slow. I loved stirring her up.


"I have a confession to make."

"Okay." I watched her as she tried to suck in a smile, pressing her lips together and exposing her dimples.

"I've never truly ignored you. I feel you every time you're around. I listen to every word you say. But—" thinking these thoughts were so much easier than trying to speak them. "I feel something that I don't understand, yet. And I'm sorry for mistreating you because of it."

"Thank you." Giselle took a deep breath. Then, with slight hesitation, stepped closer to me. "I feel something for you too, Angel. But I shouldn't. I mean...I can't." Before she said another word, she rubbed her hands up the front of me. From my stomach to my chest, and then around my neck.

"What do you feel?"

"I—feel different. I'm not going to lie and say it's always a good feeling, but I feel real. For the first time, I feel like someone sees me. And not just by looking but just understanding. You don't make me feel less than you or like a child. Your harshness is sometimes a type of truth that I'm not used to. I feel adored." Her lips spread and she lowered her head. "I've always felt pretty, but you make me feel like the only pretty girl in this world."

"Cause you're beautiful. That's more than pretty." I wrapped my hands around her waist, gripping her tightly and forcing her closer to me. "I promise I won't be mean to you anymore."

"I like when you're rough with me." She laughed.

"I like being rough with you. You're so fucking small." I couldn't help but smile, watching her melt beneath my glare.

"I want you so bad, Angel." When she exhaled those words, I felt her push up on me with desperation. I immediately hardened even more. She caught a glimpse, looking downward and quickly looking back to me.

"Clearly, I want you too." I huffed, leaning down towards her beautiful face. Those perfectly pink lips were calling out to me, whispering my name through the mists of the moment.

"So, kiss me." Looking up at me from where she stood, those doe eyes cried out to me in the most lust-filled way, causing a painless ache in my gut that made me breathe a little harder.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now