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ANOTHER WEEK OF SCHOOL PASSED quickly. Everything went the same as the week before. Class, café, V came over a time or two, kicking back at Loki's place twice. I'd seemed to come up with a healthy routine. I didn't see much of Giselle, other than in class and once at Loki's house. We didn't speak to each other much, which was ok with me. We ended up talking a lot the night she came to my place. I felt like we both were trying to get to know each other. Ironically, the one girl so different from me reminded me of home. The part of home before things got bad.

"You sound good today." My father spoke into the phone in a muffled tone. It was almost like he was hiding.

"I'm alright, dad. How are you? How's mom?"

"I'm fine. Mom's the same." He sighed loudly. "Are you ever coming back?"

"No. There's nothing there for me."

"We're here, son."

"No, dad. You're there. And that's not enough."

"Ouch. Ok, so I'm not enough, but what about—"

"What do you what?" I huffed.

"I just wanted to check-in. Just wanted to make sure you're ok."

"Well...you have your answer. Thanks. Talk to you later."

"You know, she still loves you, son. She's just hurting. You could never understand what she's dealing with. What she's going through."

"How could I not, dad? I'm going through the same pain. At least she has you. I have no one. Mom hates me, Lina's gone, and my life sucks. I've got to go, dad."

I wasted no time getting high after speaking with my dad. So many memories flashed into my head that I wanted no part of. So much hurt and pain and regret and guilt. All the things I aimed to escape, and had done so the last couple of weeks, came right back. Just like that, I was back at square one.

"You're quiet today." V was sitting on the floor below me as I sat on the couch.

"Mm..." I hummed.


As she polished her toenails, she looked up at me every now and then. I could tell she wanted to say more, but she didn't. That was one thing I liked about V. It was easy having someone around who didn't pry or ask too many questions. She just sat there and let me be. And, occasionally, gave me a little something to take my mind off whatever had me under its spell.

"Want weed?" She grinned, digging in her pocket and pulling out another bag of her infamous candy. Without an answer, she handed me one. I popped it in my mouth, ignoring the fact that she was just wrist deep in a toenail session.

V finished up with what she was doing, sitting her feet underneath some type of light for a few minutes. Then, cleaned her mess, and crawled up between my legs. I looked down at her, expressionless. She smiled her devilish smile. It didn't take me long to comprehend her intensions. The room began to dance, I could hear my heartbeat drum a cadence seductively, sending chills up and down my spine. My body grew warm and tingled a little.

"What the fuck did you give me?" I mumbled.

"Just cbd. Why?"

"This isn't the same."

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now