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"I did it mom! I made it through!" I screamed over the phone, excitement still present from the night before. Even though I'd consciously admitted I never wanted to pledge in the first place, I had taken the time to let go of the bitterness of my emotions and think things through. I reminded myself of the benefits of being in a sorority, the impacts I could make, the influence it could have on my career, and that brought me to make the decision to stay.

"I'm proud of you, Giselle. It's good to know you got out there and got on the path you set out to walk down. It takes a strong-willed woman to do what you're doing."

"Wow. Thanks mom. So, how are you? How's dad? What's been going on at home?"

"Hey, have you spoken to Aaron lately?"

"Um...why? It's so funny because even when I ask him about you guys, he changes the subject. Am I missing something?" I heard a voice in the background speaking to my mom. She had to have hit mute or something, because the next thing was silence.


"Nothing at all, sweety. Okay. It was nice talking to you. Is it okay if we talk later?"

"Wait! Is dad around? I'd love to speak to him."

"No. Your father isn't back in town yet."

"So, who were you just talking t—?"

"Ok, Star. I really have to go. Call me later. Love you, hun."

Just like that, she hung up the phone. I tried not to think too much into it, knowing how my mind always tended to get the best of me, conjuring up the worst case scenario. Instead, I got dressed and began putting on a little makeup, preparing for a full day ahead. In between my first two classes, I was attending a mixer at the sorority house. The girls had been trying to convince me to move in, but I wasn't so sure about that. I had my own friends, and I loved rooming with Max. I'd miss the hell out of them if I allowed this sorority to take over my entire life. Either way, I still had the remainder of freshman year to decide.

"Ready?" Max interrupted my thoughts. "Shit. Well don't you look like a nice snack." Max tapped me on the behind, checking me out from head to toe. "Special day?"

"I'm going to a mixer after Anatomy. It's at the sorority house." I had my hair pulled into a tight ponytail, genie style. I was wearing an orange shirt, cold shoulder top, with khaki shorts and floral wedges. 

"I hope they don't completely steal you from us and then we never see your gorgeous face again." I could sense the humor in her tone, but also could tell she was half serious. 

"No one could ever. I love you all." I hugged her. "Where's Sevyn?"

"She's meeting us downstairs."

"Hey, Max. Is there something going on between you two?"

"Nope. We're friends, silly. I mean, we've hooked up a time or two, but that's it?"

"So, you're—"

"Bi-sexual? I don't know. I guess I'm figuring it out."

"Cool." I shrugged, not wanting her to think I had an issue with anything she chose.

CLASS WENT BY QUICKLY, calling for me to find an excuse as to why I wasn't going to be hanging out in the café, afterwards. The girls seemed to have taken it well, but I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it from everyone else. There was a bubbly feeling I got inside, knowing they missed my presence. Reminded of the fact that I never really had my own friends to enjoy, only hanging out with Aaron and his crew growing up, I felt proud that I'd matured enough to have a healthy social life.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now