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FROM DANCING ON THE side of the highway, to stopping for fresh Georgia peaches, boiled peanuts at a rest stops, road trip sing offs, and competitive trivia, I would give our first trip a ten out of ten. Even though Angel had moments where he would get lost inside his head, probably thinking about whatever dream he constantly fussed about, I found it comforting to be in his company and learning more and more about him. The aches in my heart would subside every time he smiled or winked my way, or when he called me "baby". I was melting in the best way, falling deeper and deeper in love with him as each hour passed us by. I kept thinking, "This is it. We're really doing it. We're really in a relationship. I'm really on my way to meet his family".

Driving up the winding driveway, passing through a line of beautiful pine trees that stood tall and strong, it was colder than I was used to. I kept my window down, inhaling the fresh scents of nature. Once we were about one hundred meters down the driveway, the remainder of the path was lit with beautiful lights. Snowflakes lit in colors of red, white, green, and blue, dangling from the trees, captured my attention as we rode slow, both of our heads twisting and turning as we took in the festive décor. At the end of the driveway, the path opened up and ventured out to the left and right. A fountain sat directly in the center, pouring out flashing colors of water. His home was huge, stunning, everything I thought he wasn't accustomed to. I always had the impression that he was a small-town country boy who was raised in a small country home. Now this home definitely was Southern, country, and traditionally extravagant, but still, I didn't expect this.

"Wow." I whispered. "I didn't expect this at all."

"Thought I'd live on a farm?" He joked, getting out of the car and walking over to my side to let me out.

"I mean...yeah. You always talked of such a normal life. I just thought..."

"Don't let the size fool you. This house has been through generations of my father's family. I was raised with a normal childhood. No butlers or maids or drivers. Just my parents and their twins. Oh....and there's a farm out back. You'll get a chance to see that tomorrow" Angel laughed, then reached out for my hand. "Come on beautiful."

I placed my hand in his, being a bit dramatic, stepping out like Cinderella or some fairytale character, being escorted by her prince charming. Angel was the opposite of what they all had in common, but still, he was my prince. He was my loving, emotionally unstable, perfectly imperfect prince. And when I placed my hand into his, stepping out into the cold Georgia air, I felt like a princess. His princess.

"I'll come back for the bags. No one's home yet. My parents will be coming back into town in the morning."

"Okay." I responded softly, still slightly caught up in the moment.

Angel must've sensed my mood, because he pulled me into his chest, wrapping me tightly in his arms. For a moment, I swayed left to right with him, saying nothing. For a moment, I lay my head on his chest and sank into the sound of his beating heart. For a moment, as his chest rose and fell against my head, I prayed to have this forever. I prayed to have his love for the rest of my life. Because this spot, this feeling, this warmth was home. My home.

"You okay?"

"Yes." I sang softly. "I love you."

"I love you more." Angel rubbed my back as we stood frozen in each other's embrace. "It's cold out here. Come one."

Walking into his home, the smell of cinnamon and vanilla invaded my nostrils. High ceilings, large window panes, the most detailed woodwork, and decor to die for, had me mesmerized. Being inside his home made me understand this small-town country boy even more. I immediately felt warm and welcomed. I immediately felt invited into a world that not many women had the pleasure of experiencing. Angel took me from room to room, detailing bits and pieces of his childhood memories.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now