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Sitting up there on that rooftop, underneath the coolness of the moonlit sky, the sound of the ocean at a distance, sirens, horns, laughter, and life beneath us. I wish we could dwell in this less chaotic scene forever. Her body shivering underneath my grasp. Her breath brushing across my skin as she lost every once of control she owned. I couldn't keep my hands off of her. I didn't want to let her go. Not even for a second. All I wanted was to be interlaced in the love she provided and the shelter that protected my delicate heart from the rest of the world.

I watched the warmth of Giselle's amazement turn cold with pain, guilt, and sorrow. My heart immediately sank to the bottomless pits of my stomach, causing an undeniable and familiar ache. All I saw was Angelina. All I could hear and smell and feel was her. I couldn't shake the feeling that she wanted to jump. She wanted to leave just like my twin did. But why? Because her entire life was life? Her mom and dad split up when she was born, separating her and her twin sister, never revealing the truth about her life, and feeding into the falsification that the lady that raised her was her mom; that her father hated her for no good reason, when in reality, he resented her for the absence of her real mother? Was that the pain that coursed through her body, darkening her spirit, transitioning a scenic rooftop experience into a nightmarish decline?

Had the dreams that revisited me every night came to fruition? Were the nightmares that haunted me trying to reveal the truth behind it all? Was it really me that drove these women to their plummeting death? Would she be next, all because of me? I couldn't keep my thoughts there too long, getting lost in the darkness that once consumed me. Pulling her down, I could feel my entire body shaking. I only prayed she didn't sense the fear that was seeping from my well put together front. I had to return us both to the warmth of our moment, our love, our sacred reason for even existing. And so we sat on the ground on that roof top, wrapped in each other's arms, with

"Bet still on?" Giselle whispered, reaching down into my sweats.

"Yup." I mumbled between kisses. "Still on."


"That's so funny to you?"

"It is. You're so hard for me."

"Damn, baby. Feeling bad tonight?"

"I want you, Angel."

"Look who's the one begging." I hissed, helping her as she struggled to take my Johnson out.

"You're next." She teased, taking her lips from mine and motioning downward.

It wasn't long before she took me into her warm, moist lips, immediately choking down every inch of me. I jumped from the feeling of her throat caving in on me.

"Fuck!" I groaned, head falling back as I glanced up at the bright stars that covered every inch of the sky. "Shit, girl. What the fuck?"

She continued on, pulling me in and out. Out and in. Slurping, gulping, stroking. I felt myself becoming far more aroused than I wanted to be. She knew what she was doing, and she was doing it well. Pushing her away, I grabbed hold of myself and placed it back in my pants. There she sat, pouting again.

"No fair."

"Play fair, baby." I grinned. "No need to rush things. What was the word you used earlier? Slow?" I winked, standing to my feet. "Come on. Lets head back inside.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now