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"My sister—my what?" No longer feeling weak, I pushed past my father and aimed all my anger towards Aaron and this mystery girl that looked identical to me. Her stare stung me with me curiosity. All of the world around me no longer mattered. I had to know. I needed to fill the void that spread its darkness inside of me my entire life and somehow, I knew this was the answer.

"I'm Gabriele." Her voice was sweet. There was a heavy accent that I couldn't quite place.

"I'm Gi—"

"Giselle." She cut me off, offering a sweet smile amongst the silent apology. "I'm your sister. Your twin sister."

A wave of shock ran from my toes, through my legs, around my body, and rushed straight to my head, causing me to stumble backwards. A twin? Me? But how? I had no idea how to create a scenario that made this all make sense. After a few moments of creating and recreating possibilities, I gave in, turning to my parents, who both stood as stunned as me.

"So, are you shocked from the news or shocked that it's coming out?" I choked, barely able to get the words out.

"Giselle, we can explain."

"So start!" I yelled. "Start fucking explaining to me how there's a girl standing in this room that looks just like me, calling herself my twin. How?"

"It's not her fault, sweetie." A new person had entered the room. Another blonde. She too, resembled me more than I would have liked. But she was not like Gabriele. She was older. She was soft spoken, beautiful, blonde, with ocean blue eyes. "It's mine. If you want to be mad at anyone, it's me, Giselle—"

"Don't say my name like you know me, lady. Who the hell are you?" I couldn't take anymore of the mystery, dragging me along, ripping everything that made me whole apart. Tormenting me with secret after secret.

"Giselle, we can leave. We can just walk right out that door." Loki motioned forward slowly, being sure not to stir me more than I already was. Beside him and then trailing closely behind him was Angel, never taking his eyes from me.

"No." I almost cried. "I want to know." A miserable whine left my lips. Before I knew it, tears trailed down my cheeks, burning away at the façade I called strength. "Tell me, dad." Looking around at the room, all of the guests were staring, both Angel and Loki looked worried, Aaron seemed pleased, and mom and dad were busted.

"Let's do this in private." My dad begged.

"No, dad. I don't want to do this in private. Fuck these people and fuck you! Tell me the truth."

"Giselle, baby, lets just think this through and talk about it—"

"Shut up, Angel. I need to know." I turned to the woman who I presumed was my mother, standing there patiently waiting to address me with whatever it is she needed to say. "Tell me." Wiping the tears from my face, I stood tall, sniffing away any sign of pain. "Tell me." I repeated.

"I'm Brielle." She took one step towards me, then said, "Your birth mom."

"My birth mom?' Ever seen someone laugh hysterically to fight off the burn of betrayal? The pains of a lifetime of falsehoods? "How?"

"Your father—" She stopped, taking a look over at my dad. "Your father and I split when you two were babies. He took you, and I took Gabriele. That was the deal."

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now