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I walked over to the bare naked, tall, perfect man. I watched him as he eyed my John. I didn't blame him. I was blessed. Holding up my lovely best friend, the tequila bottle that was a few sips away from empty, I called a truce, publicly.

"Dear old, Aaron. I just came over to say...we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. Here's to new friendships." I toasted.

"Cheers, bro. New friendships." He held up his beer bottle.

"Wait! No! You can't take down a weak ass bottle of beer, dude. Here." I held up my bottle and motioned for him to waterfall. I poured all of the tequila that was left down his throat.

"Sheesh! That stuff is poisonous." He whined.

"No that's nothing. Try these. They'll put you on your back." I held out two blue pills.

"Whoa. I've never."

"Oh. Ok. My bad." I shrugged, popping one into my mouth and taking it down with the drop of tequila left in the corner of the bottle.

"What would it hurt?" Aaron surprised me, popping the last one and washing it down with his beer.


For the next hour, I "bonded" with my new little friend, got him to share his life story. Cringed every time he mentioned his love muffin, Giselle, and managed to not share one single thing about myself. It wasn't until Loki barged in and interrupted us that I finally got a break. The moment he and Aaron started talking, I walked away.

"We might just have to move down here, man." Jeremy slurred every word that came out of his mouth.

"Tell me that while you're sober, and I'll believe you."

"True." He laughed.

"Seriously though, you're in good hands and it makes me feel better. You've got a good crew. You know what I say, your crew is a reflection of you. They know how to take care of each other. I dig that."

"Yeah, me too." I lowered my head. Feelings. Was I sobering up? "I'm going to get another bottle." I wrapped a towel around my waist and made my way inside the party. Walking right to the back of the bar, I grabbed another bottle of tequila.

"Really?" Her soft voice left a whispering mist on the back of my neck.



"Fancy running into you here."

"Now I see why you were trying the 'sober' thing."

"Oh really?"

"You're a terrible drunk."

"But I'm not drunk." I walked up on her, looking down into her soft features.

"I would love it if you just put the bottle down."

"I would love it if you just broke it off with Aaron and gave me a chance." I rolled my eyes when her shoulders slumped. "Come on. Have a few drinks with me."

"I can't." She began looking around.

"He's outside."


Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now