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"I got that ten-footer on video." One of the guys announced. "You're a natural. Beautiful." He finished with a Chef's Kiss, pulling all his fingers together and kissing them, throwing them outwards into the air.

"Get over here, Angel. I have a proposition." Loki practically screamed.

Angel kicked off his sandals and made his way over to us. I avoided keeping my eyes up, knowing I wasn't strong enough to look up without looking directly at him. My lips curled upward, slightly, as I avoided smiling.

"Let's all go over to my place and chill. Nothing major, let's just get to know each other and, who knows, maybe this could be our newly formed clique, you know?" Loki's eyebrows were raised as he stood hopeful and inspired.

"Let's do it!" A few mouthed.

I simply shrugged in agreement, peering at Maxine and Sevyn. After a few minutes, it was confirmed. We all grabbed our things and walked through the sand towards Loki's house. There was this quiet guy that reminded me of Aaron. His name was Zack. We talked a little during the walk. He was from California as well. Not quite the same area as me, but pretty close.

"We're here!" Loki howled, running in circles around the group, finishing by picking me up off the ground, tossing me over his shoulders and running the rest of the way. I screamed for dear life, but smiled and laughed with him. Before putting me down, he twirled me in a few circles and we both went crashing down into the sand.

"Oh my God!" I laughed. "You literally have no boundaries."

"Boundaries? What are those?" He joked. We laughed in unison for a second. Then he helped me to my feet.

Dusting the sand from my clothes, I made my way to the ramp that led to his back door. A few people walked ahead of me, and I used that time to comb through my hair. I looked like a wild woman, I was sure, every strand out of place and out of control.

"You dropped your bracelet." A dark, husky, familiar voice called from behind me. I turned to face Angel.

"Oh!" I looked down at my bracelet in his hand. It was the bracelet my dad gifted me before he took his yearlong trip to Australia. "It's broken?" I gasped, tears immediately filling my eyes. I couldn't even look up at him, sadness filling my entire body. "How—When—Shit!" My hands were shaking when I finally reached to grab it. Angel closed his hands on mine, and for the first time, I looked up for a close view of the soulless windows. That's when I realized he wasn't insensitive. He was just sad. Plain out in pain. I looked down quickly, feeling as though I was reading his diary. Then I glanced at my hand in his.

"I can fix it if it's that important to you. No need to cry."

Embarrassed, I ran my fingers across my brow before folding my arms under my chest. "I wasn't going to cry." I lied in a hushed tone.

"Right. Fuck it then." Angel dropped the bracelet into my hand and rushed off.

What was that? Right when he seemed human, just like that, he switched off his humanity and went back to dark and gloomy Lucifer. That's what his parents should've named him. What could make someone so emotionless? So mysteriously unequipped for gentle interactions? That was the moment I craved the understanding of him and his ways. What made him that way?

THERE WAS A TOTAL OF eleven of us at Lokis' place. Six girls and five boys. The people I was most familiar with were my girls, Sevyn and Maxine, Loki, Zack, Angel, and the girl he soaked at the party. I hadn't quite found out her name yet, but that didn't last long.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now