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"Okay, damn. Good job." She complained, but with satisfaction. When I looked up at her, her expression let me know that she, too, was turned on.

"I gotta cum. Fuck that." Angel groaned, as I removed myself from his lap and his face. "Come back, baby." Almost whining, Angel wiped his mouth and reached out for me.

"We have company." Looking over to V, who just watched in pure silence and awe. "Lets finish the game."

"I think your boyfriend wants to fuck. I can leave."

"I'm sorry V, but you just started some shit that has to be finished." Angel laughed, placing his hand over himself.

In some other reality, a woman would probably be uncomfortable, sitting half naked in a room with her man and the woman he used to fool around with. In some other reality, a woman may have some insecurities riling as the other woman had a full view of her man's body and her own. But this was not that reality. It was mine and Angel's. It was bliss. It was spontaneous. It was fun.

"I think I might be—"

"Fucked up?" V laughed, cutting me off. "Yeah. You definitely should've only taken half of the gummy."

"It's my turn now." I smiled, high as hell and still on my mission. I stared over at Vanessa, who looked worried. The smirk rising across my lips may have placed a tad bit of concern in her, because the fear was hard to hide. In fact, I was so locked in on her, I completely disregarded how my behavior would make Angel feel.

"What are you up to, Sunshine?" V practically sang from the floor.

"I dare the both of you to go down on me. At the same time."

"Ha!" The sound that escaped her mouth told me, right away, that she was thrilled.

"Giselle, what the hell?" Angel grinned, hand still gripping himself as he watched me open my legs and place my fingers inside.

"Scared?" I whispered.



"I'm not." V interjected, pulling up onto her knees and crawling towards me. "I've thought about tasting your sweet ass far too long to pass this moment up.

"Vanessa, relax." Angel laughed. "This is mine." Angel wrapped his arms underneath me and aggressively pulled me towards him, causing me to lay flat on my back, legs spread, baring it all in front of them both.

It was like a scene from some animalistic vampire sex series. I was deeply lost in a fantasy like no other, chest rising and falling quickly as my adrenaline picked up it's pace. I watched Angel, who seduced me with his stare, breath matching mine; intense. And when he bent down to engulf in the juices of my bottomless sea, Vanessa joined in with him. Weakened by the feel of them both, I wanted to throw my head back, close my eyes and just die a beautiful death. But I didn't. I stayed up, eyes locked on them, watching as their tongues collided with each other and me. I knew Angel had never kissed her before, and wondered what it was like to finally feel his mouth on hers. Was it better this time? Did he still feel the urge to puke? Or was the mix of her intoxicating thirst and this new temptation of blending his two worlds overpowering that fear of his?

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now