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The beauty of her happiness sent me drifting. I'd closed my eyes for at least an hour, snoozing as I tried to recoup from the endless night I'd had with Giselle. Even as I dreamed, I saw her face. Her smile. Her sweet beauty. I felt the most at ease I'd felt since watching Zoe become a victim in my world. I finally felt okay, laying there with her tiny body in my arms. Without perfection, I knew she'd made some lousy decisions. I knew she'd lied to my face and let it all blow up like I was the type of guy that deserved betrayal. But I found it in my heart to see beyond that.

"Giselle, honey, are you awake." A voice called out from the other side of the door.

Then a knock.

"Giselle, wake up. Guests will be arriving soon.

Another knock.

I tried opening my eyes. I even tried moving my body enough to wake me from the sex-induced coma my body had fallen into. My muscles were weak, throat dry, eyes heavy. I was no good to anyone in the state I was in. So, I allowed myself to drift back into a slumber.

"Angel, wake up. Loki is calling." I heard a soft voice calling out to me as my body rocked from side to side.

It took a moment for me to remember where I was. Once my eyes were open and that soft blonde flashed her captivating smile, the sun beaming from behind her, I recounted all the steps it took to get to where I was. Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Star?" A male voice questioned. "You awake? I was wondering if we could talk."

Bitch ass Aaron?

My eyes snapped open as I focused, quickly, on the stiff body that sat in front of me. Giselle's eyes widened as fear covered her face. I watched as her chest rose and fell quickly, picking up it's pace once the second knock sounded off.

"Giselle?" He called out to her again.

Finally, she relaxed, settling into her bed and releasing a long breath. And then said, "My guests will start arriving soon. I'm going to shower and start getting ready. Loki keeps calling." She placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"Get back over here." I mumbled, pulling her back into the bed.

"Angel!" She laughed, wrapping her arms around my neck as I tossed her around and back underneath the covers.

"Shh. Your boyfriend will hear us." I joked, tussling with her in the sheets as she giggled like a young girl in love.

"Stop!" She whispered.

"I haven't woken up next to a beautiful woman in way too long to rush this." Peering into her sea of blue, I sensed pure happiness. Happiness caused by me. Happiness that deserved to forever see the light of day and brighten the dark of night. I held her for a while. Grasping onto every inch of her love as if it would flee if I didn't hold on tight.

"Aww. Angel, you're such a softy."

"For you." I winked. Kissing her gently on her cheek, quickly turned to kisses exchanged mutually. She didn't want to leave my side either.

Before I knew it, we were undressing once again, becoming lost in yet another ocean of lust.

"Giselle, get up now!" A stern male voice yelled out.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now