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***Warning-Drug use, excessive alcohol use, sexual misconduct****


"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" Loki stood on top of a stage he'd had built in his front yard, lights glaring onto him. "First, no entry until you turn in your phones and recording devices to the lovely gentlemen at the front door. You can have them back when you leave. There will be no filming outside of the cameramen hired to get good footage. You can tweet when you leave! Lets have a good fucking time!!"

There had to be one hundred and fifty kids standing outside, cheering. Loki was wild with excitement. The music was ten times louder than at the first party. He'd really gone all out to pull this off and I knew it was going to be the talk of the school for at least the rest of the semester. He had go-go dancers, acrobats hanging from the ceiling, wearing nothing but strings, cameramen filming the more tasteful side of things, four different bars. It was insane.

"Loki!" Vanessa shouted. "This is bananas!"

"I know! I told you I was going all out. What's up, Angel? You ready to turn up?"

"How could I not?" I shook my head. "Oh, look man. These are my best friends; Lee and Jeremy. And this is Rod. They're my people from back home."

"Don't forget Carmen, jerk." Vanessa teased.

"Any friends of Angel are family of mine!! I'm going to make sure you three have the time of your lives. Gotta give you something to go home and tell your people about." Loki was lit in the worse way possible.

"What are you on, man?" Jeremy questioned in awe.

"Everything!!!" Loki screamed. "Come on, everyone from the crew's upstairs. We have to congregate. Come on!"

We were all required to take two shots before entering the room. Typical Loki behavior. The energy bouncing from Loki had to have hit everyone within fifty meters of him. He was beaming with so much joy and just pure love, it made me feel good. And after struggling to leave the house for hours, I felt like I could get through the night.

Once we got into the room, everyone was there. Zack was standing at the dresser doing a line. Phoebe and Jessica, two chicks who came around often but weren't directly in our circle, were taking shots. Max and Sevyn were sitting on the couch, smoking. And Giselle? I didn't see her at first. That was until she walked out of Loki's bathroom. My mouth dropped to the floor, like a cartoon character, stunned to bare witness to some dramatic plot twist in the episode. She was wearing a light pink, leather, strapped dress that barely covered her. One wrong move and her underwear would be showing. It was tiny. Too tiny. But she looked hot. Her hair was curled perfecly. More put together than usual, causing the lighter strands of her blond hair to pop. Or maybe I was so high that I was imagining it.

"Giselle." Brows lifted to the clouds, I was speechless. Or at least I thought I was speechless. If I felt I couldn't speak then--What happened next really took my voice away.

Shortly after she'd cleared the bathroom door and made her way into the room, someone followed behind her. He had blonde hair that was slicked back into a ponytail. Taller than average, the muscles protruding through his tight-fitting clothes told me he was an athlete of some sort. He dressed preppy, collared shirt, freshly ironed khaki shorts, loafers. The Rollie on his wrist let me know right off the bat that he was loaded; Class ring on his pinky sparkled so loudly, it could've blinded all of us in the room. Who the hell was this guy?

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