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THE NEXT DAY, the day of Loki's huge party, all three of us woke up and headed out for coffee and breakfast. Heading over to a new coffee shop that opened near campus, we expected it to be crowded. To our surprise, there wasn't a long wait to be seated and we even got a table outside on the balcony. Sevyn and Max started talking about Loki's party, while I was lost in my own thoughts.

My mind was in a never-ending cycle of love, lies, and everything in between. Torn between the dilemma of falling for Angel and crushing Aaron's heart, I couldn't stop thinking about the decisions that needed to be made. At one point, I felt like I was rushing things in assuming Angel wanted anything serious with me. I mean, he'd just stopped treating me like crap for one day and there I was planning a future with him in my head. But even if that was so, I cheated on Aaron multiple times. I'd kissed Angel on more than one occasion, I'd let him inside of me on more than one occasion, and I had feelings for him. Real feelings. Feelings no amount of lies could hide or take back. I knew that no matter what happened between me and Angel, Aaron deserved better.

"What do you want to eat, Giselle?" Sevyn placed her hand on mine, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Oh...sorry. Can I get the French toast with strawberry and banana toppings, please."

"Sure." The waitress smiled. "Is that all?"

"Yes." Max answered. "Thank you."

I took a sip from my coffee and tried to tune in to their conversation this time around. Max was talking about going home for Thanksgiving and Sevyn was complaining about how much she dreaded going back, in fear of not wanting to come back to school.

"So, you're homesick?" I asked.

"You're not?"

"Hell no." I laughed. "I'd take here over home any day."

"You're only saying that because your parents suck."

"Clearly." I huffed, looking down at my phone.

"Good morning gorgeous. Been thinking about you since last night. Hope you slept well", Angel texted. Both corners of my lips ran in opposite directions and then upward, pushing my cheeks into a rosy bundle of flattery. "Sleep was nearly impossible after the day and night we had", I texted back. "I'm happy to hear you enjoyed yourself as much as I did", Angel replied. "Want a repeat?", I teased. "Indeed". Angel sent cat and squirting emoji's, and I knew exactly what that meant. I giggled at his filthy joke, clenching my legs together replaying the memories of him inside me.

"Damn, bitch. Who has you lit up like a Christmas tree?" Max yelled across the table.

I looked up, trying to hide the fawning and giddy look on my face. I could tell I was doing a terrible job by the way they both gazed at me, almost mirroring my expression. Finally, we all just burst out in a cackling laughter that caught the attention of a few people seated nearby. I noticed one of the girls. She was the waitress from Hanigan's. When she noticed I recognized her, she invited herself over.

"Hey ladies!" She flashed a beautiful smile. Instinctively, I did the same.

"Hey. How are you?" I asked, turning the screen of my phone over to face the table.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now