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***Drug use. Alcohol use. Sex. Strong language****


Hanigan's was as expected, lots of crazy "remember when" conversations as my friends filled Giselle in on horror story after horror story. Watching her unapologetically, I realized she was fairly entertained, laughing and smiling the whole time. The crew seemed to enjoy her company as well. Anytime she talked, they all gaped in her direction, providing their undivided attention.

"Okay. I've done my research. There's this bomb ass basement club that I got the hookup at. We're going whether you like it or not, Trapp." Jeremy announced.

"A club?" Giselle frowned, looking my way.

"Oh, don't you worry Ms. America, you're dressed perfectly. You could wear a shower curtain and they'd let your pretty ass in."

"Jeremy." I warned, knowing how disrespectful he could get with women.

"My bad, lover boy." He scoffed. "Anyway, we're going and that's that. Oh. And I brought us all candy."

"Nah! Not even. You're already rolling. You don't need anything else."

"But you're not. So, you do."

"Rolling?" Giselle was clueless. I wish she hadn't asked because that prompted Jeremy to pull out every pill stash he owned. Luckily, we were ducked off in one of my favorite dark corners.

Full of bliss when Giselle didn't succumb to the pressure of Jeremy's strong persuasion, I nudged her under the table in between one of his rants. When she flashed her infamous American sweetheart smile, I knew she as okay. I made a mental note to give her props later on that night. She really knew how to hold her own in front of scoundrels like the ones I called my best friends.

Within an hour, Rod was buying rounds at the bar for half of the people in the establishment. I shook my head, knowing that I'd gotten myself into something that I was more than likely going to regret by the end of the weekend. Lee ran towards the booth and grabbed Giselle. They made their way to the jukebox and picked song after song until they made an entire playlist. All the locals watched in awe, probably not witnessing liveliness like this in a long time. Even when us college kids packed the place out, it wasn't as loud. Lee screeching every time she prepared for a shot. Jeremy yelling to the top of his lungs instead of talking like a normal human. Rod hitting on every bartender, hostess, and waitress in the building, including, Zoe, my usual waitress who wasn't assigned to our table that night. And then there was Giselle, laughing, smiling, dancing beautifully; the only sober soul at the bar, standing out like a dandelion in a field of weeds.

The night wasn't as bad as I thought. By the time it was time to go to the club, Jeremy, Rod, and Lee were so trashed, it became an inside joke for Giselle and I. Recounting the times I was trashed right along with them, I couldn't imagine how it must've felt for anyone sober to put up with me.

"I've never been drunk like that." Giselle whispered across the center console.

"I've been worse." I laughed.

"That sucks."

"It really does, but I'm not going to lie. It was kind of fun."

"Kind of?"

"Outside of hangovers or alcohol poison. Oh, and can't forget throwing up all night and morning afterwards. But I mean I was on some hardcore stuff."

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now