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"Whoa, man. You're cool, right?" How did I not hear Loki trailing behind me? Of course, he was going to go full checkup mode after the weekend we had.

"I'm great." I lied. I was lost. More lost than I already was.

"Okay. Well, where you headed? I'll go with you.

"Getting a new tattoo." That was literally something I made up.

"Cool. I could use another one. Aye, my treat." Loki smiled and brushed his shoulder against mine.

I should've known him offering his attendance was a plot to have a talk about something I had no intentions of addressing. I should've known I was setting myself up for some unwelcomed conversations, but what could I have done? Said no?

With a plan already drawn out, I talked it over with the artist, an Asian chick who looked like she was a tat dummy. Every inch of her skin was tatted. She even had a few on her face, which I always found dumb, but hers were kind of sexy. She guided me to her table, and Loki followed us. While she did her thing, he used the opportunity to chat.

"So, you figured out what you going to do about that problem?"

"What problem?"



"Dude, they're going to kill you."

"Doubt it."

"Seriously, they're the real deal. You need to figure out what you're going to do before it's too late."

"There's nothing I can do. The girl they want is V."


"Yeah, man. She got mixed in with them when she was at one of their parties. The other dude at Hanigan's followed her home one night. I kicked his ass and that's how I got involved in whatever this is."

"Shit. You can't give them V. They'll do fucked up things to her."

"No shit."

"Are y'all like—a thing?"

"Nah. We fool around. That's it. But that's probably over after—"

"After you fooled around with Sunshine."

I almost laughed. That was what he really wanted to talk about. That night on his couch when me and Giselle damn near devoured each other. "Nothing happened."

"Like hell!"

"Loki, relax." I huffed.

"Nothing happened? I waltz in my kitchen to find you on the couch with her big pretty tits in your mouth.

"Yo! You're out of pocket." Shaking my head, I closed my eyes. Half from this idiot someone named Loki, but also from the pain of the needle eating away at my flesh.

"See! I can't even talk about her tits without you being offended. Dude, if you're really into her just say the words. It'll make shit easier."

"Nothing will ever be easy."

"How does V feel about you falling in love with her?"

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now