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❗️WARNING: Explicit ❗️

"How are you doing after the whole shooting thing?" Loki interrupted my thoughts, catching me off guard.

"I'm coping." I admitted, waving the blunt in the air.

"No alcohol, right?"

"Nope. Just weed."

"I'm proud of you. Alcohol is not something that fits you. You turn into a complete douchebag."

We both laughed, thinking back on the idiotic scenes I made at his party, drunk, full of rage, and out for blood. Or the chaos that broke out at Hanigan's bonfire when I beat the shit out of Roman. I was a lucky bastard to even be forgiven for the shit I pulled, making a bet on torturing Giselle and her stupid boyfriend, doping myself up on pills and liquor for hours, violating any woman that came near me. Pounding some douchebag for making a move on a girl that wasn't even mine. I went back to the old me for just one night and I regretted almost every second. Almost.

"It's midnight and I just want to fuck." Why I admitted this to Loki, I'll never truly know, but I did, and it was too late to take it back.

"Still thinking about going to crash Giselle's Thanksgiving?"

"Hell yeah. If only we got flights." I sighed.

"Come on dude! You think I have multiple black cards and no access to a PJ?"


"My dad has three private Jets. Pack your shit. Lets go."

"Loki, my shit's packed already."

We both jumped up, grabbed our things, and Loki called a car. Within an hour we were at the airport, waiting on the pilot. I was in disbelief at the way he made things happen so fast. It made me curious to know about his parents and what the hell they did for a living to have people waiting at their beck and call.

Four hours and fifteen minutes later, we were landing in California with a car already waiting for us. Loki and I had both indulged in a little bit too much champagne, and I knew right away I would regret it. The world swayed with my mood, leaning left towards my hate, right towards my love, backwards against my fears, and forward amongst my desires. I was all over the place, putting on a façade of calmness. Deep down inside, I was a mess.

"Okay, so what now?" I sighed, not knowing my next move.

"I'll get dropped off at the hotel. You should pop up at Giselle's and Romeo your way up to her room." He stopped to laugh. "Be sure to fuck the shit out of her and send my condolences for her bitch ass boyfriend's feelings."

We both laughed a drunken, heightened laugh. Once Loki was dropped off, I called Gisselle. It took a good three tries to wake her up. Her pretty little slightly swollen face greeted me with a forced grin.

"God, you look terrible." I joked.

"Oh my God, Angel. What the hell?" She laughed, trying to wipe some of the sleep from her face.

"We didn't get to have our late-night talk tonight and I wasn't feeling that." I confessed.

"So, you call me at four in the morning?"

"I'm horny, baby." That got her attention. I watched her eyes open a little more, trying to get a good look at me.

"Where are you? Why is it so dark?"

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now