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I'm not afraid to admit it. My reaction to Angel not saying he loved me back was immature, but it was honest. I was hurt. I was afraid. I felt exposed in a valley of vultures, without any protection or shelter to shield me from harm. Intoxication only caused my fears to hover over me more. What a poor choice to make when your mind is already clouded with the illusions of your nightmares. So, when Angel came to me a third time, pleading to be heard, I listened. I allowed my lonely boy to express himself and apologize.

"I could hold you here for the rest of the night." He whispered to me as we swayed in the darkness.

"So do it. Your arms are the safest place."

"Nope." He took in a deep breath as he let go of me, as though it pained him to no longer feel my body on his. "We have to have some fun tonight. Come on." Angel grabbed my hand and led me back to where everyone was.

Loki, Zack, V, Max, and Sevyn formed a circle. I saw toothpicks in everyone's mouth and a bag of lifesavers on the stump below where Loki was standing. I immediately knew whatever was happening was Loki's idea.

"What the hell are y'all doing?" Angel laughed.

"Lifesaver. Get a toothpick. Play with us." Loki announced.

"Did somebody say Lifesaver? Can we play?" We were bombarded by a few of my sorority sisters and Roman and his frat brothers. There were five of them in total, adding to the seven of us.

"What's Lifesaver?" Angel huffed.

"Everyone puts a toothpick in their mouth. You take a lifesaver candy and place it on your toothpick, then pass it to the person next to you without using your hands." I whispered his way. "If you drop it—" Loki cut me off.

"If you drop it, you take a shot and you can choose to move to a new spot or seal your position with a kiss."

"Loki?" I fussed.

"Those are the rules tonight sunshine." He smiled.

WHEN THE GAME STARTED, I was standing with Angel on my right and Vanessa on my left. I watched Loki pass the lifesaver to Sevyn, Sevyn to Roman, Roman to V, and V began passing the lifesaver to me. A little nervous, I tried lining my toothpick up with hers. At the last minute, she swayed to the right, dropping the lifesaver onto the ground. Everyone began hollering, yelling for us both to take a shot. Without hesitation, I began finding a new spot until V stole a kiss, planting her lips onto mine, making everyone go wild. Angel gripped my hand tightly, probably hoping I wasn't uncomfortable. V then slid her tongue into my mouth, and for a second, I enjoyed it. I actually felt a stinging sensation in my body as I kissed her back. Unsure if the feeling was the double shots I'd taken, it took me a while to break from her touch.

"Holy fucking shit!" Loki yelled, jumping up and down.

"You good?" Angel whispered in my ear as I wiped my mouth.

I grinned in his direction. "Yup."

"That just made me so hard." He admitted, slapping me gently on my bum.

"I'm so wet right now." I teased.

"Fuck." He whispered into the air.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now