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Backing into the nearest corner, I watched as Angel replaced sorrow with pure anger. Rage steamed from his body as his chest and shoulders rose and fell harshly. The dark, cloudy, sad eyes that he once gazed with turned darker and red, even. A terror overcame me like no other, blaring alarms of warning as I watched a man turn into a raging beast.

"This is my fault!" He shouted as he beat on his chest. "Her death is on me!" Tears continued to gush from his eyes. "All those years she wiped my tears, listened to my bickering about non important things that I made big deals of. She needed me the whole time I was leaning on her like a fucking crutch. She died because my loads were too heavy for her to carry."

"No!" I tried stepping towards him, away from my corner, only to be shoved back into it.

"I fucking hate being here! I hate it!"

Angel picked up the chair we both sat in and threw it across the room. When it hit the wall, one of the legs broke off and ricocheted into the window. I gasped loudly, holding my chest, eyes widened. There was no stopping him. He picked up the next closest thing to him, a three-foot plant tucked away in the corner adjacent to the one I backed into. That, too, went flying across the room. Screams and moans and cries bounced from one wall to the other as Angel took his rage out on anything in his path. Hence the fact that I chose to stay in my corner. The noise must've gotten everyone's attention because, bursting through the door, seconds into him picking up the mattress, was Loki, Sevyn, Zack, V, and Maxine. The first thing they saw was the mattress flying in their direction.

"What the hell is going—"

I put my hand up for Zack to shut his mouth, darting my eyes towards Angel and shaking my head, hoping they'd get that he needed this. Hoping that they see, like me, that he'd been holding this in for far too long. Hoping they'd understand. They did. Sevyn ran to my side and hugged me tight. Tears formed but I refused to let them fall. The crashing sounds of guilt, regret, fear, anger, and so many more emotions filled the air. Finally, Zack got the idea to join him. It was crazy as hell watching him pick up things and toss them. Then Loki joined in, punching walls, kicking out the rest of the glass from the window. It wasn't long before we all screamed, cried, threw things, broke things, kicked things, helping Angel express whatever it was he needed to.

Ten minutes later, we were all laid across something, damn near hyperventilating, trying to catch our breath. I crawled over to Angel, who was sitting below the broken window staring off into space. I fell into his arms and caressed him as best I could. Staring off into oblivion, seemingly stuck and unable to come back to reality, I just rubbed him. Hugged him. And then finally, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips into his. The room grew still behind me. I felt their eyes. I felt their judgement. I didn't care. And neither did Angel. He responded to the touch of my lips immediately, meeting me halfway. Angel kissed me gently, not hesitating to invite my tongue into his mouth, clinging on to my body for dear life. This wasn't like the other times. This wasn't rough and aggressive. This was passionate and fulfilling. This wasn't lust. This was love.

"Who in the hell is going to clean this mess?" Zack laughed, trying to change the mood of the room, I assumed.

Loki laughed even louder. "Daddy dearest has this lovely black card—" Flashing a card between his fingers, Loki smiled from ear to ear. "It'll be okay. Just a little mess that a little money can correct. Now the other mess in the room, that's priceless. Can't put a tag on my bro's sanity." Loki began standing, followed by everyone else. Angel and I were still entangled beneath the window.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now