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THERE WAS A TAD BIT of Tension that had rankled Giselle and I after I'd beaten the shit out of her little 'friend', Roman. Although she hadn't resulted to her infamous silent treatment, she didn't speak to me much and always denied being upset. Torn between being completely satisfied with my decision to go at him and sorry for causing the rift of drama between her sorority and our circle, I decided not to speak on it anymore. What I was really doing was praying it all blew over and she forgave me.

"What's up stranger? How's it going?" Lee practically screamed into the phone.

"Damn, Lee. Why are you so loud? Its early. What do you want?"

"We want you home, son." Lee deepened her voice, probably intending to sound like a stern parent, but sounding more like a pirate.

"You sound ridiculous. What have you been up to? What's new?"

"Oh nothing. Other than...I have a new boo."

"Get out of town!"

"Nope. I like to be original. You did that one already." Lee joked.

"Well—tell me about her."

"Her? What makes you think it's a her?"

"Lee, seriously?"

"She's finer that Giselle, I'll tell you that much."

"Tuh! Yeah right." I laughed at her joke, knowing there wasn't a woman in this world finer than little Miss Golden State.

"Okay...maybe not. But, she's pretty, and blonde, and smart. She doesn't do drugs either. I thought you may like that."

"I absolutely love it. How are you and your sobriety, by the way?"

"Mmmm...Meh! Better luck next year."

"I need you in this world with me, Lee. You've got to slow down."

"I know. I love you bro. I gotta go. Your dad says hi."

"My dad?" Before I could ask any more questions, Lee hung up the phone.

THE DAY BEFORE EVERYONE GOT into their cars or their Uber's to head to the airport, Loki came up with the splendid idea of having a Friendsgiving dinner at his place. Once again, he'd gone all out with décor, catering, activities, and a DJ. Uneasiness roamed my core, giving me a nauseating feeling as I pulled up to his beach house. The moment I placed Big Red in park, I spotted Giselle and Max walking out onto the porch. I took one long look at the pale white spawn of a millionaire's mansion. The teal shutters adding the only color there was to the outer surfaces, the drapes displayed fashionably on the upstairs windows, but the open visibility to each downstair window, showing off all that decoratively added flavor and character to the home. Realizing I'd never fully taken a moment to appreciate just how remarkable Loki's house was, I sat there and stared.

"Are we just going to sit here or are we going to get out?" V was respectful of my sudden stillness as I felt bound to the seat beneath me, but finally spoke up.

"Yeah. Let's do this." I quickly turned off the ignition and got out of the car. V followed suit.

"Hey V! Hey Angel!" Max shouted from the porch.

"Sup." I nodded "How are you, Giselle?" l treaded carefully, as we never got a chance to have a much-needed talk.

"I'm fine." Her sweet voice sang, blue eyes staring up at me as I passed by.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now