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Unaware of the absurdity I was agreeing to, I stumbled back up towards Loki's room. Before I could walk through the door, I felt someone tug on my arm, pulling me in the opposite direction. Vision too blurry to comprehend what was happening or who it was happening with, I just allowed my feet to be pulled from their original destination until they no longer moved.

"Angel, I'm sorry." Giselle whispered, closing the laundry room door behind her.

"No, you're not. You're not sorry you led me on. Or sorry you got my hopes up. Or sorry you hurt my feelings. You're just sorry it all unraveled the way it did." I growled.

"Angel, please."

"What do you want from me?" I yelled loudly, causing her to flinch dramatically. It was almost like she thought I would hurt her. Did she? Did she think I would ever put my hands on her?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Yet, you did." I reached for the doorknob, no longer wanting to share space with her.

"I know." I turned to face Giselle, watching her become taken over by guilt.

"Why didn't you just tell me? Why the fuck is he here?"

"He bought me a car. He came to make up for my dad standing me up."

At the wrong time, I know, I laughed. "Making up with a fucking car? A car, Giselle?" The anger returned and I felt like I was going to explode. "So, the day I spent with you means nothing? It's all overshadowed by a fucking car? AM I A JOKE TO YOU GISELLE!" I yelled to the top of my lungs, slamming my hand into the door. The way she flinched. The way the blood washed from her pretty little face broke me. "Why are you jumping like that?"

"I—" I watched her eyes travel to the floor, causing me to look at her forearms, slightly darker than the rest of her skin.

"Giselle, what the fuck?"

"Angel, I just wanted to say I'm sorry I hurt you. And I'm sorry you had to find out about Aaron this way. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid."

"Does he know?" When she didn't look up at me, I gently pulled her chin upward to force her to look at me. "Does he?"

"Yes." She winced.

"Did he hurt you? Does he put his fucking hands on you?" I could feel the rage steaming inside of me, ready to find an outlet.

"No." She was lying. She was protecting him.

"Don't lie."

"He didn't hit me. He just pushed me around a little." Finally, the truth.

"I'll fucking kill him." I began opening the door, only to be snatched back.

"No. Its okay. Leave it alone."

"Giselle, why are you with this prick? You don't owe him anything. Leave his ass and get you a real man."

"Funny you say that, because that's what he wants me to do with you. End it, that is."

"How can you leave me when you were never with me to begin with?" I shrugged, knowing it sounded harsh, but also knowing it was the truth.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now