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                Everything was so loud, drowning out my thoughts and fears. My flesh was covered in sweat and blood. His blood. Sevyn was yelling for me to do one thing after the other. Loki was speeding and weaving through traffic. My heart was pounding so hard, I was sure it was going to beat right out of my chest. More sweat. More blood. I couldn't handle it. I burst into tears right there in the back seat. Angel groaned a few times as I tried to keep his body still, but with Loki's driving and my shaky hands, it was nearly impossible.

"Calm down, Giselle. You have to calm down." Sevyn sang.

I was suffocating. I couldn't think, breathe, or function. Everything around me began closing in on my body, getting closer and closer to crushing me. My face was soaked in tears, and I no longer had control of myself.

"Giselle, breathe. Get your shit together! He needs you! Angel needs you right now!" Sevyn slapped me across my face, bringing me back to reality. "Are you with me?"

"Y—yes. Ok. I'm ok." I sniffed, completely numb to the cold truth of her palm.

"Hold him still. He's in pain. We're almost there." Zack chimed in from the front seat.

Within seconds, we arrived at Loki's place. Everyone hopped out of the car, leaving me and Angel in the backseat. I looked down at him, blood stained, sweat stained, but him. He was shivering in pain. I rubbed my fingers through his hair, rocking back and forth, trying to comfort him.

"It's ok, Angel. We're here. It's going to be ok, bab—" I had to stop myself. Baby? What was I thinking? Baby?

"We've got drugs. Loki crushed them up, just get his mouth open!" Zack shouted almost at the same time he pulled the door open. I did as he said, holding Angel's mouth open while Zack poured a white powdery substance in. He followed up with a few drops of water.

"Swallow, Angel. Please. It'll help. Swallow." I whispered to him, rubbing the side of his face. The bruises weren't so bad there. It was his body that was banged up. I waited for him to swallow. Then I turned to Zack. "What was that?"

"Get out. We're taking him in the house in two minutes."

"Two minutes?"

"That's all the time we'll need for the drugs to kick in."

"What? Drugs? You drugged him?"

"What the hell did you think we were going to do? His ribs look broken, Giselle. Get out the car!" Zack was pretty much yelling to the top of his lungs.

Everyone was on edge. My adrenaline was still pumping full speed. My body was still shaking. My heart was still racing. I got out of the car and immediately fell to the ground, losing my balance. I tried getting up, but my legs seemed to have stopped working as a thousand pounds of pressure held me down with expectations of me going full bodybuilder mode against it. Sevyn helped me up and we raced in the house, followed by Zack and Loki, who were carrying Angel. I took it upon myself the shove all of the dishes, vases, and décor from the kitchen island, signaling for the guys to lay him there.

"Sevyn, I know we're only freshman headed for med school in the far far future, but we have to help him."

"I know." Sevyn was holding back her emotions. I could tell. Her face was red and her hands clammy.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now