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WALKING UP TO MY FRONT DOOR, my phone buzzed. Quickly removing it from my pocket, Giselle's name popped up, along with a message, "can't make it tonight. Sorry." I exhaled loudly, resting my forehead on the door. She was pulling out of the bet? I wanted to counter with a smart-ass comeback, but I didn't. I took my keys out and let myself inside.

No lie, I felt let down as disappointment buried every ounce of happiness I had in me from the day. I felt the storm clouds rolling in, darkening my world with the same familiar misery that had become my normal. I couldn't allow it. There was no way a woman had so much control over my emotions that, without her, I melted back into a puddle of nothingness. There was no way I would become that person. So, I shook it off. Reminding myself that Giselle, too, was in this with every inch of her heart and parameter of her mind. If she cancelled, something important must have come up and that's just that.

Heading to the fridge, I looked to see what was left for me to eat without having to cook. An Enchilada from Monday was at the top of my options. Other than that, it was Ramen or boiled eggs. That was all I knew how to make. Again, my phone buzzed, "Call me when you can", popped up from Lee. I thought about a few scenarios in which she needed a to speak to me as soon as possible. There weren't many of importance, other than anything involving my parents. So, I called.

"What's up, Lee?" I sighed, slouching down on the couch.

"I need you to pull up during Christmas break." She got straight to the point. "It's really important, man."

"What's going on?"

"A lot." She sighed. "It's a family matter, so just set it up and make it happen."

"Cool. Anything I need to know at this moment?"

"Nah. I'd rather wait until you get home. But so you don't go on a worry spree, making up all types of crazy shit in your head, it's not life or death, just things that need to be addressed and corrected."

"Cool. I'll let you know once I set it up."

"Perfect. How's school?"

"It's going well. Perfect GPA."

"Sounds about right. You were always brains and brawn." Lee joked.

"Nah, that's all you." I countered, finishing with, "So...I was thinking...I want to bring Giselle home." Waiting for a response felt like an eternity of bliss. My heart was pounding harder than a butcher tenderizing his heart out. As I held my breath, anticipating a certain response, I began to wish I hadn't submitted the unnecessary warning. And then...

"Holy shit! She's cracked the code. She's annihilated the annihilator. Are you fucking serious?"

"Lee." I sighed, shaking my head as if she could see the disapproval through the phone.

"Hey. I'm happy for you, bro. It's been a long time coming."

"For real?"

"Hell yeah! I got tired of you Macking all the bitches and breaking all the hearts. More hoes for me now."

"I hate you."

"I love you too. So, I'll be seeing you and Ms. Giselle for Christmas break, then?"


Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now