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I returned to the couch that Angel once sat on, taking his exact seat as he smoothed his hair out. He joined me after he grabbed the bottle of tequila, flopping down on the space right beside me. Taking down some of the liquor, he handed me the bottle, but I declined.

"I'm so trashed, Angel. I can't take anymore." I admitted, waving my hands in the air in disapproval.

"More for me." He winked, taking another gulp. "Okay." Clearing his throat, he placed the bottle on the floor. My turn."

I threw my head back, completely regretting the decision to suggest this game. Uneasy as I anticipated what would happen next, I debated on if I would stick to 'truth' or go bold with 'dare'. Lifting my head, seeing a sly grin plastered across Angel's face, I knew neither would have a favorable outcome.

"Truth or dare, baby?"

"I dare you to run outside with what you're wearing." He laughed, folding his arms as if he'd accomplished something big.

"Real original." I smirked. "I just got you to do that."

"Actually—" Angel stood to his feet. "You just got me to run down the hall and back. I'm daring you to run outside." He then extended his hand to me, looking down as I looked up at him. "Come on. I'll go with you."

"But you have your sweats back on. I have on a g-string and a bra."

"Guess next time you'll choose better underwear." He joked.

"What the fuck?" I laughed, standing after taking his hand.


"I don't want to play anymore." I whined, poking my bottom lip out in a pout.

"You've got to be fucking kidding." He huffed. "Not brave, daring, energetic, ready for whatever, Giselle! Scared? Chickening out? Really?"


"Aww. Baby, baby, baby. That pout is not going to work today. Lets get it!"

Angel pulled me towards the door, opening it up, peeping down each end of the hall. Before I could object, he ran down to the left, opposite the stairs that lead down to the lobby. Being dragged along, I was a little confused about the direction we were traveling in, since outside was in a different direction.

"Where are we going?" I whispered, praying I didn't wake his neighbors.

"Somewhere special." He whispered back without turning to face me.

Without protesting, I followed his lead, no longer feeling him tugging on my hand to force my cooperation. After walking up two flights of stairs, opening a metal door, I found the greatest sight I'd laid my eyes on since arriving in Florida. There we stood, on the top of the roof, the entire city and beach visible under the night light of a full moon. I took in a deep breath, letting go of Angel's hand. What I witnessed took my breath away, the ocean waves dimmed and calm, the city lights flickering carelessly as life proceeded without question, people laughing and walking the streets. And then there was him, my lover, standing there watching me the way I watched the world. Admiring me the way I admired this moment. He stood there, shirtless, effortlessly the sexiest man in the world, loving me without words, always knowing what I needed and how I needed it. Perfectly imperfect.

"Well, live up to the dare. Run around here naked and show the world that beautiful ass.

We both laughed, but I didn't hesitate. I ran around the top of the building squealing, laughing, smiling, happily enjoying every chill the night breeze sent rushing over my skin. Sometimes I'd jump, leap, skip, twirl, feeling free and careless. For a moment, my crazy, out of order life didn't matter. All that mattered was the tequila roaming my system, disabling my defensive nature, the gloom of the night, the freedom of life, and the love that smothered me with a blanket woven from the most selfless man I'd known.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now