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NOT LISTENING TO MY INTUITION, I engaged in multiple days and nights of texting back and forth with Roman. Oddly enough, I began feeling like he was just interested in getting to know me, despite the rumors and whispers that he wasn't into things like that with girls at school. I did make note to tread carefully, being sure to look out for myself while I enjoyed the entertainment and idea of being someone he was interested in.

"I am so tired of texting you and facetiming you when you're only a few blocks away", he texted one Thursday night. "What are your plans for the night?". Hesitantly, I read the message and locked my phone screen, afraid to tell him I had no plans. Afraid to let him know I was bored out of my mind and going crazy in my dorm room, trying to keep my mind off of Angel Trapp. I missed his bad attitude. I missed his rough around the edges persona. I craved his filthy glares and messy kisses. The more I ignored my emotions and feelings for Angel, the worse I felt. But I had to fight it. I had to steer clear of him for as long as I could. I needed to figure so many things out and I knew getting caught up in his web of love and lust would be no good for me. Fuck it!

"Hey you!" I smiled, looking into the camera at Mr. Dark and Lovely. That was the nickname Max and Sevyn came up with for Roman.

"Hey. So, plan on making time to hang out or what?" He always cut straight to the point, never diverting, avoiding, or beating around the bush.

"Where to?"

"Fuck yeah! I'll pick you up in an hour. It's a surprise. Text me the address." The excitement in his voice felt cheesy, but real. Roman was genuinely excited to have me as company for one night. I laughed to myself as thoughts crossed my mind that maybe I was special. Maybe I was highly sought after and desirable.

Knowing how upscale Roman was, I chose something simple yet sexy to wear. "You can never go wrong with a little black dress", my mom's voice replayed in my head. She'd taught me that lesson more times than one, and it never failed me. So that's what I went for, a little black dress.

"I don't know if I've told you this already, but you look great." Roman flashed his beautiful dimples my way as he smiled at me from the driver's side.

"So, what kind of place is this?" I smiled, changing the subject to avoid melting from his charm. We were sitting in line for the valet. Right before Roman began speaking, my door swung open, and a hand reached in to guide me out.

"We're going dancing." Roman met me on the sidewalk, grabbing my hand and leading me into the grand entrance of what looked like a symphony hall. The atmosphere seemed extremely fancy, as the art and company of those around wreaked of contemporary aesthetics. It was a place my parents would love and enjoy.

"How am I doing so far?" Roman grinned.

"Fine." I shrugged, pretending to be unbothered.

"Just fine?"

"Just fine." Unable to hold in my smile, I displayed my true feelings without a doubt. No matter what I said, my poker face was nonexistent.

"I'll take that. So, do you know how to dance?"

"I guess you'll just have to find out." I playfully nudged him, then placed my arm into his as we made our way down the immaculate staircase. There were a number of prestige faces, doctors, scientists that I recognized from some of my father's seminars. So, I took it upon myself to assume Roman, too, was in school for something to do with medicine or science.

The night was fun, spontaneous, and memorable. Roman carried himself like a true gentleman. He was the complete opposite of what I expected. Not once did his hands roam areas of my body he was never invited to. Not once did he seem entitled to anything other than what I gave him. All we did was dance, laugh, and talk about people from time to time. All-in-all, when I thought I'd regret my decision to give him some of my time, he proved the naysayers wrong, including me.

"I had a great time with you, tonight." His voice was low and tired. I could tell he was ready to call it a night, so I wasted no time exiting his car.

"Me too. I'm glad I came out." I admitted. "I guess I'll see you around." Getting out of his car, I quickly walked towards the double doors of my building.

"Wait!" He shouted from behind me. "I've been on my best behavior all night. Why on Earth would you think I'd let you walk up to your room alone? Come on" he extended his hand to me, offering a safe escort.

"Okay." I giggled, interlocking my fingers into his.

And just like that, he walked me up the stairs and to my room door. When I opened the door, I dreaded turning to face him for a final goodbye. Did he expect a good night's kiss? Did he expect me to invite him in? Either way, neither was happening, but I couldn't help but wonder what he expected.

"Have a good night, Ms. Giselle." Roman smiled his gorgeous smile, wrapping his arms around my body for a hug. "I'll hit you up tomorrow." I watched him walk down the hall and down the stairs, completely shocked that he didn't try to make a move.

Was I making all of this up in my head or was my perfect distraction far better than I could have asked for? I'd gone hours without thinking about Angel. Without wishing and hoping. Without avoiding and deflecting. But once Roman disappeared into oblivion, no longer in site, the nightmare returned, and nausea burned the pits of my belly.

"I miss you", I typed into my phone to Angel. I sat there, staring at the words. I couldn't help but hover over the "send" button, thinking if I should send or erase. That's when the texting bubbles appeared in our feed, showing me that Angel was texting me. I waited patiently, curious to see what was on his mind at this hour. It was midnight and I had heard that everyone was at Loki's again. I needed to study, so I didn't go, which is how I ended up on a date with Roman in the first place.

The bubbles disappeared. Did he change his mind? Was he, too, stuck between the thought of texting his late-night infatuations or continuing to ignore them? Five minutes passed, nothing. Another five minutes, still nothing. After a while, I gave up on the idea of hearing from him. I erased my three simple words, showered, and got into bed. It wasn't long before I was off into the dreamlands, exhausted from the hours I'd spent dancing in circles with Roman. Maybe I should've invited him in. Maybe I should've offered a nightcap or at least a goodnight's kiss. Maybe then, my mind wouldn't have ended up wrapped up in the confusing entangling feelings I'd developed over the last few months. Truth is, Angel Trapp had me in a chokehold and I had no idea how I'd release myself from his bind.

***Author's Words****

Our girl is definitely exploring her options as she finds herself.

But is seems no matter how far she strays, she always winds up at one particular destination...Angel

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter

Angel's P.O.V coming - 2/17

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