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GISELLE never said it, those three little words at the edge of her tongue. She never admitted anything, really. I wanted to blame her. I wanted to point my stupid little finger like a child and place blame on her for the fall of our oblivious love. Truth of the matter is, it wasn't just her fault. We both mishandled each other. We both invested in every possible decision that built up a wall between us. Bricked and cemented. Nailed and glued. We were further from one other than we were before we met. At least the universe drew us up into a plan for an eternity of blissful love. Without the pain of my past and the light of her entire being, we would have never been attracted to one another. But we ruined it all in just a few months.

The idea of continuing to ignore each other's presence, tiptoeing around the feelings, whispering beneath the tension, was driving me mad. We'd all practically moved in with Loki, dropping in after classes and spending the night every other day. As Thanksgiving approached, he became more and more anxious and somewhat sad. To support him and show him he wasn't alone, we all made a silent pact to keep him close.

"What time is it?" Loki dragged.

"Almost nine." Scarfing down a bowl of cereal like it was her last meal, Giselle turned to face Loki, ultimately, giving me a full glimpse of her beautiful face.


"Shit. I'm running late." Frantically, Loki darted out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and disappeared down the hall. I watched him until he was no longer visible.

"Okay, so we have an idea." Zack entered the house from the backyard. He, V, and Sevyn were all in the jacuzzi having drinks and laughing it up about whatever it was they were discussing. We could only hear bits and pieces of their conversation every now and then, as they went from arguing about the World Cup to discussing political views on the upcoming election. All the things I had no interest in.

"What now, Zack?" Giselle rolled her eyes, smiling from me to him.

"Lets go skating. Like roller skating." Hands up in the air, he yelled out like he'd just had the best idea yet.

"Skating?" I frowned, knowing I had experience in roller skates. Immediately, I was against the idea.

"When?" I looked to Giselle, who looked pretty interested.

"Now! Lets get dressed and go out."

"Loki's about to leave." My way of stalling, bringing up the one person this would make feel better. They wouldn't want to do it if Loki couldn't come.

"Loki's not going anywhere." Giselle corrected me. "He's on a video call with his therapist."

"I'm sure he'd love to come." Zack, ran off, heading up the stairs towards his room.


"You want to do this?" Speaking directly to Giselle, I could tell it threw her off, being that we'd been talking and walking around each other for weeks.

"Well...I was suppose to meet up with Roman and friends to hang out."

"Oh." I immediately lowered my head, hating myself for attempting to talk to her.

"I could always just invite him, though. He and Loki are old friends."

"Tuh." I let out through my teeth, shaking my head and walking off to avoid saying anything unpleasant.

That's exactly what she did. About an hour after Zack's proposition, we all packed into Giselle's G-Wagon and headed to the skating rink. It was a longer drive than usual. I couldn't tell if it was because I was ready to get out of that pink ass shit Aaron bought her or if it was because I was slowly suffocating, thinking about being around Giselle and her new love interest. I felt like a fucking loser.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now