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IN THE CAR, THERE WAS nothing but silence as her anger festered around us, fogging the air with a staleness that strangled me. My heart raced as I drove slowly, unsure if she wanted to finish our plans or if she wanted to go home. Finally, after sitting at a red light and avoiding the inevitable, I spoke.

"It's not exactly what it looked like."

"What?" Her tone was dark and dry.

"I didn't ask for her number, Giselle."

"Angel, you didn't have to take it."

"I didn't. She just shoved the shit in my pocket."

"So, then you should've thrown it away." She yelled. I don't think I'd ever heard her speak so loudly.

"Who the fuck do you think I am, Flash? If you stood there to witness her putting it in my pocket, at what point did you expect me to throw it out?" We were both yelling to the top of our lungs.

"I knew this was a bad fucking idea! I knew it!" Throwing her hands up in the air in frustration, she seemed to be saying the words to herself more than directly to me.

"Wait. No! What do you mean?" Finally, I was calm again, afraid of what she meant by those words. "This wasn't a mistake, Giselle. What the fuck?"

She sighed loudly, no longer responding to me.


Cars began honking loudly, causing me to take my eyes from her and focus back on the road. I didn't know how long I had been sitting at the green light, but by the time I hit the gas to go, it was turning yellow. I traveled slowly in the direction of Hanigan's, still unsure if that's what she wanted.

Finally, I parked. The lot was full, so we had to park a few meters down the street. Turning off the ignition, I didn't dare to move more than I needed to. Hearing the sound of my movements drove me crazy enough, with the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. I took a few deep breaths, closing my eyes to calm myself. Finally, her stillness turned into frantic movements, as she began changing from her dress to a tank top and shorts. I waited until she was done before I said anything.

"Giselle, baby, I swear—"

"I don't care."

My heart sank, falling just below the earth. She didn't care? Did she not care about the situation any longer or did she not care about me? About us? Confused, I looked over in her direction. Seeing how badly she wanted out of my car, my entire soul ached from within. I placed my hand on her leg, praying she'd look over at me.

"I swear." I whispered.

Finally, her eyes met mine. Sadness pouring from them, I placed my hand on her cheek, rubbing my thumb beneath her eye. Our breaths synced as I watched her chest rise and fall simultaneously with mine.

"You're the only woman I want."

"I think this was a bad idea." She repeated, this time, opening the door and darting towards Hanigan's.

I tried to get out as quickly as she did, praying she didn't leave me in a dust of regret. By the time I was out of the car with my door shut, she was already walking towards the back lot.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now