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"Aaron, what are you doing here?" I walked towards him slowly, watching him place two assortments of flowers on the floor.

"Surprise, babe!" He shouted, spreading his arms wide to welcome me to an embrace.

I walked into his arms and allowed him the pleasure of squeezing me tightly. I didn't return the love, still in shock. My mind was still. My body was still. Everything just stopped and froze dead in its tracks. It was almost like the world stopped, while my head spiraled out of control.

"Where did all these flowers come from?" Aaron huffed, letting go of me.

"I—I just got here. I don't—"

"Oh look, the card." Sevyn said in the most monotoned voice I'd ever heard from her. She sounded like those wannabe actors that had no idea how to do the one job they signed up for, to sound believable. "They're from my lover. Oh yay!"

I burst out laughing, unable to contain myself. This girl was a complete nut. I wasn't even sure if Aaron believed her, but the way she sounded, so foolish, I couldn't even take her seriously. Sevyn and Max both began gathering the flowers as I opened our room door. We all placed the flowers throughout the room, watching as each assortment filled up more and more space.

"I have something for you." Aaron grinned, as I took a seat on my bed.

"Really? I frowned. What is it?"

"I know that you've been down since...you know—your dad. So, I came here bearing a gift you're sure to love."


"Okay, so come downstairs with me really quick." Aaron grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I turned to look at Sevyn and Max, who still looked as stunned as me.

Dragging me behind him up, Aaron seemed happy and giddy until we reached the double doors that lead outside. Once out there, he looked out at the lot, cheesing harder than a man standing at the end of the altar on his wedding day. I stood there, feeling stupid and guilty, not wanting to utter a single word in fear that I would say the worst.

"Tada!" He sang out.

"What, Aaron?" I laughed.

"I bought you a car. I know you've been bumming rides from your friends and catching Ubers. So I came here early this morning and got you a car. Well, a G-Wagon."

"Are you kidding?" My eyes grew wide as I eyed the truck me, Max, and Sevyn had just stood admiring. "You bought this?" I screamed, jumping into his arms. He held me close to him as the thrill of the moment consumed every frightening resemblance of guilt.

I ran back upstairs and grabbed Max and Sevyn. It was about ten minutes of us hooting and screeching excitingly. We all took turns getting behind the wheel, rolling down all the windows and pretended to be doing eighty in a fifty-five with the wind blowing through our hair. Finally, we turned it on and listened as music blared from each speaker.

Aaron just watched, amused, assured, and astonished. He'd laugh every time we did something ridiculous, or educate us every time we touched or questioned something we had no idea about. And then, just like it never left, the guilt returned. I looked at the man I once only had eyes for. I stared into his hopeful gaze and felt awful. How was I going to break the news? How was I going to break his heart? Then I was reminded of the of the first day I'd realized his love for me. The first day he didn't even have to use words to declare the feelings he wore proudly for the world to see.

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now