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"I STILL CAN'T GET OVER the weekend." Maxine sighed into her pillow, turning over in her bed to face me.

"It was insane." Agreeing, I ran my fingers through my hair. "I need to get up and head to class."

"And the way that dude was looking at you. Do you know him?"

"Nope. I have a class with him though."

"I think he wants you." Squealing, taunting me, Maxine began humping her pillow. "He wanted your hair in his fists instead of hers. He wants to make love to little miss Star!"

"Quit teasing. I doubt he has any interest in me. He was probably just drunk or high or something."

"I asked. He only smoked weed. He doesn't drink." She shrugged, nonchalantly. "He was hot."

"He was ok."

"Come on! Admit it! You'd bone." Waiting for my response, Maxine was all smiles.

"Doesn't matter. I'm with someone."

"Oh really? And who is this mystery man? Someone back home?"

"Yes. Aaron. He'll be closer next year. I seriously can't wait."

"Is he as hot as the guy from last night?"

"He is. He's just not as dark and mysterious or grungy and badass." I squeezed my eyes together, trying to stop myself from picturing his face. His hair. His tattoos. His body. I still saw him. The way he looked at me as he engaged in the filthiest act, in public, with that girl. Maxine was right. The way he stared into my soul the entire time. The way my body ached from that lustful gape let me know that I wanted him. I would have traded places with her just to be beneath his tall, ink-infested body. And when he sprayed her down, I came without being touched. That had never happened before. Honestly, I didn't know it was possible.



"Wake up. We have class."

I opened my eyes, not even realizing they were closed to begin with. I found Maxine was up and getting dressed. Taking an exaggerated breath, I hopped out of bed and joined her. The last thing I wanted was to miss my walking partners on our second week of class. I enjoyed having her and Sevyn. They provided the easiest friendship I'd ever come across. Easy to talk to and fun to be around. What more could a girl ask for?

"Good morning, baby. I'm walking to class with the girls. How was your weekend?" I spoke quietly into my phone. Even though both, Maxine and Sevyn, were close enough to hear me. I wanted to at least try to be discreet with my relationship.

"It was eventful. I was invited to the pub for Tam's birthday. It was fun. I got drunk. Can you believe that?" His laugh was so innocent. Aaron never drank or did anything wild, really. I was happy to hear that he did something new for a change. "Yours?"

"It was great. There was a beach house party on Friday. Saturday we actually went back to the beach, and I taught the girls a little bit about surfing."

"Cool. Did you catch any waves?"

"Like three small ones, but it wasn't that active. One of the surfer guys said it'll get better in a few weeks."

Hearts We Mend To Break (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now