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AN - This Oneshot is set in November 1918, the month/year when WW1 ended. The Author is currently studying/learning about WW1 in their history class (as of writing this) so they might go all out. For historical context, Soldiers who fought in the war unfortunately developed what they called Shell Shock, a form of PTSD caused by heavy exposure to artillery. The Author has done their research so they don't sound ableist throughout the story, but please comment if there's anything that sounds ablest so that gets on the Authors radar immediately and they will change it

One more day. One more day until I get to see him again. One more day until I return home

I remember his eyes, a beautiful purple and green like jewels. His hair, dyed a shade of purple like lavender. His hands, soft and clean unlike mine which is full of scars and wounds. I remember our life before I was drafted, it was very hard leaving to fight since it was inevitable that there was going to be high numbers of casualties and I didn't want to be separated from my love

Trying to go to sleep hasn't been working. The booms of artillery shells keep replaying in my mind, distracting me from getting a good nights sleep. The rattles of machine guns and bullets being fired further kept me from relaxing.

Hopefully the motion of the ocean will calm myself and my squadron down as we sail back home, I try thinking of my love Virgil sleeping next to me instead of another tired and hungry soldier that was under my command

In the morning, a shrill whistle was heard which signaled that we docked in a port. Everyone in my cabin including me covered their ears, the sound brought back memories of when we were in the western front fighting in the trenches

After calming down from the bit of panic, all the soldiers and me left the boat. We were all being directed to the train station, where my love was waiting for me. After a 20 minute train ride, we finally stopped. Looking out the window, I scanned faces in the crowd to find my love. I found his unmistakable jewel like eyes after going through a sea of browns and blues

After being filed out of the train one by one, I was now on the train platform and searching for Virgil, it was very crowded but I knew that my love would be distant from them so I walked to the end of the platform. He was sitting on a bench, holding a bundle. I could hear my love coo and coddle the bundle, then a small bottle was brought close and closer to the bundle

Virgil looked around the station for a second then caught my eye. He gasped, setting the bundle down gently then ran over to me. He immediately hugged me and I hugged him very tight back, squeezing him because I thought I'd never see him again

After the hug, my love took me over to the bundle

Roman, meet your son, Remy

I'm a father? I'm a father!

Virgil quickly taught me how to hold Remy then placed him in my arms. I held my son like he's fragile, not wanting to break him. My love took Remy back in his arms, leading us out of the train station. We got on a bus so we can go back to our house, I saw the familiar streets pass by as I looked out the window with a great intensity. I'm surprised that the Centrals didn't destroy my neighborhood besides sinking Lusitania

The bus stopped at my street so Virgil myself and our son left the vehicle. We walked a short distance until we arrived back home. Everything was there from before I left. A small garden was added, something new. I assume that was how Virgil was feeding himself and our son while I was gone, it looked well maintained so my friend Janus definitely had a hand in making it look nice

My love opened the front door after I took a look at our front yard, our house was small to medium sized but it worked. 2 plush chairs face a small fireplace, with a table in between. Virgil's piano is pushed up against the wall next to the kitchen door. A radio was on top of the mantle, it probably was used so that my love could get news about the war

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