-Cut You a Piece-

115 3 2

TW - Death, Alcohol, Sadness

Roman, he was messed up
And Virgil, he was peerless
So of course they fell in love
Virgil let Roman know what was wrong with him

And Roman stopped using, and binging, and pissing his whole life away
Roman told Virgil he'd die for him, which looking back, was the right thing to say

Roman ticks off another tally on a whiteboard, it was tracking how many days he has been sober. So far, there has been 11 including todays tally. Roman smiled back at Virgil, wondering how he got so lucky to end up with someone who is helping him stop drinking amongst other vices Roman still needs to start getting rid of

Roman pulled out a small velvet box from his leather jacket pocket, revealing a ring. It was a silver band with an amethyst. Roman was happy that he managed to save up money from past birthdays in order to buy the ring instead of wasting it on the vices he was now determined to quit

Roman put the box back in his pocket, then held up the Star of David necklace he always wears. Roman held onto the gold pendant for a few seconds then kissed it for good luck. Shaking off the nerves, Roman went over to his boyfriend and smiled. Roman got Virgil's attention, pulling out the velvet box and getting on one knee

~while opening the box~
I cut you a piece of me, I cut you a piece of me
And where I go you will go too
Yes, I am now a part of you

Virgil nods, saying yes to marrying Roman. Roman smiles very wide, standing back up and picked Virgil up by the waist. Roman spun Virgil around, looking at his fiancé with love in his Forest Green Eyes. Roman then connected his and Virgil's foreheads together for a moment, the couple smiling at each other

Roman and his Virgil got married in his temple
'Cause they calculated, that Roman was more Jewish than Virgil was Catholic
Roman's mother was pleased

Roman and Virgil exchanged vows and signed the ketubah, a Jewish marriage contract. Roman and Virgil kissed underneath a chuppah, a wedding canopy, then Roman stomped on a glass with his right foot. Roman and Virgil's family congratulated and celebrated the couple during the reception

Married six months, when on route 87
Roman turned quickly, in a beaten Mitsubishi
Killed Virgil in a crash
A marriage begun and ended
With broken glass
His life was scattered, and soon was his ash

Roman was handed back an urn, it was purple, Virgil's favorite color. The urn itself had Virgil's name, his birthdate, and death date engraved on the front. Roman and Virgil were going to the beach when Virgil unexpectedly passed away, so Roman decided to scatter Virgil's ashes there. Roman asked his brother Remus to drive him, too shaken up from Virgil's passing to drive his beaten Mitsubishi again

Remus picked up his brother, the twins soon arrived at the beach. Roman scattered the ashes, being blown away by the wind

~while holding Virgil's urn~
I cut you a piece of me, I cut you a piece of me
And where you go I will go too
I lost my life when I lost you

Yeah you loved someone so much
That to lose them is to never recover
You've given part of your being to them
And when they go, you can never have it back
You can never have it back

I haven't thought of Roman, or Virgil, or their story in the better part of a year
But warming your hands in mine fills me with terror
That I will lose you, today, or tomorrow, in two years, or seventy
When even the Earth has numbered days
I can give just one thing that stays

Roman started drinking again after a few weeks of Virgil's passing. One thing lead to another and Roman passed away by alcohol poisoning. Roman's soul floated instead of sinking, Roman thought that he would sink into the ground because of the vices he had in life but he happily accepted rising to the sky

Roman, now a soul, arrived in Heaven. He immediately thought of Virgil, floating off to find him within the vast clouds of Heaven. The sheer amount of souls Roman bumped into made him start to think that Virgil was in Hell even though Virgil's good nature would never land him a spot down below

Roman was about to give up when he heard a familiar voice say a familiar phrase

I cut you a piece of me, I cut you a piece of me
For where you go I will go too
I am now apart of you

Roman turned around, seeing Virgil's soul. He immediately floated over to his husband, hugging him tightly

{Roman and Virgil¥
From now on I'm half a soul
Without you I can't be whole
So cut me a piece of you, cut me a piece of you, and where I go you'll always be
Oh, you are the start of me
Oh, you are the start of me

Roman picked up Virgil by the waist, spinning him around with love in his Forest Green Eyes. Roman then connected his and Virgils foreheads for a moment, the couple smiling at each other

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