-The Mystery Boy-

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It all started when Roman fell out of a tree at the park. It wasn't that tall for him to break a limb, but Roman accidentally slipped while climbing and subsequently fell onto the grass

Once his body collided with the ground, Roman's brain decided to become lost within his vast imagination as it settled down from the impact. From elaborate tales about the adventures of Prince Roman defeating the DragonWitch to Roman becoming a famous actor, his thoughts were always at work creating new fantasies

But today, all those stories left his mind. Instead, a mysterious boy with dyed purple hair became the subject of Roman's very active imagination for some reason. Roman soon came to his senses, seeing the same boy with purple hair standing over him. Voices were ringing until the boy talked to Roman, who instantly blushed. Roman stood up, dusting himself off of any grass and dirt stains

Hey, you okay? Need help?

Hm? No, I'm fine. But I swear to god that I saw you in a dream

Do you say that to every Emo with purple hair?

No, of course not. Just, you seem cool. Can we hang out sometime?

Maybe. Dunno. I would watch your step if I were you

The boy with purple hair walked away, an index card-shaped piece of paper fluttered out of a pocket from the boy's hoodie. Roman picked it up, seeing a name and phone number

Virgil Maro

Roman smiled, pocketing the business card and walked back to his apartment reluctantly shared with his brother Remus. Roman and Remus are twins who never got along, even as kids. Remus is a slacker of an adult who constantly brings home random men and hooks up with them, much to Roman's annoyance. However, the twins will only put aside their differences in situations where Roman is in love

This partnership officially started back during high school when Roman had his first crush. Remus was surprisingly a very good wingman to his brother and successfully got Roman and his crush together. However, the relationship ended when the crush broke up with Roman. The same thing happened when the twins were in college, but Roman and his second ex amicably ended the relationship

Now, Roman's heart was beating for Virgil and hoping that they'll stay together forever. Roman returned to his apartment, seeing Remus sitting on the couch and watching something on TV as he stood by the front door. Empty deodorant sticks sat on the coffee table, equally trashed with actual garbage from the twin's delivery pizza dinner from last night. Remus smelled like his own personal stench, being a dumpster and a sewage system combined

I'm home

Remus turned his attention towards Roman. Roman instantly got a stronger whiff of his twin's "perfume" once Remus turned to him, making Roman cover his nose

You're blushing, what happened on your walk?

Fell out of a tree and met the boy of my dreams, as one does. Also, take a shower for once in your life. I can't stand your "perfume" made up of whatever you found in the trash

Well, do you know anything about him? If you plan on bringing him over, I still won't get rid of my fabulous perfume!

Roman reluctantly hands Remus Virgil's business card, then returns back to where he stood at the front door so that he isn't too close to his brother's stench

This fell out of his pocket when he left, that's all I have

Doomscroll and stalk his website, simple

Remus! I'm not a creep!

Doing that will help you get to know who he is

Fair, but I'm not cyber-stalking him

Suit yourself. If you excuse me, it's hookup o'clock. I'd suggest you leave if you don't want to get weirded out by my fun tonight

Can't you just ever settle down and find one person to like?

Nope, I'm destined to sleep with any man that my heart desires

Remind me to not call you for any hookup advice

Noted, now go find your dream boy!

Couldn't you stay over at one of your boy toy's houses tonight? I'd rather find out more about Virgil in a clean apartment

Fine, but don't come crawling back to me and tell me you miss the smell of my perfume

Remus stood up and went to his room, returning to the main room with a bag over his shoulder after a few minutes. He then left the apartment, Roman sprayed the entirety of the main room heavily with rose-scented Febreeze so that he couldn't smell his brother anymore

Roman looked up Virgil's studio from the business card on his computer, seeing the website once he searched it. Clicking on the link, Roman saw some of Virgil's pieces on the homepage. His cursor moved to the about section, reading the sarcastic brief from Virgil

Artist from Florida. No, I'm not giving you creeps out there anything personal about me. Commissions here: [link]. Probably should go to therapy but Adderall is doing that for me already
~ V

Roman chuckled after reading the brief, hesitating about DMing Virgil to meet with him under the guise of asking for a commission. Yet again, he wasn't going to take the creep route and be like Remus so Roman closed his computer

After taking a moment to make himself something to eat and deep clean the apartment again, Roman heard faint music coming from the apartment next door, it was very guitar heavy and had lots of room to head-bang. As if it was Emo music. Roman pressed his ear against the surprisingly thin wall between apartments, hearing the voice of someone familiar

Someone who suddenly appeared in his dream earlier. Virgil. The mystery boy with dyed purple hair who saw him fall out a tree. Now Roman was even more hesitant to DM Virgil without sounding like a creep. Once Virgil's music stopped, Roman decided to do it back. He chose some songs in his vocal range and sung to them as he was cleaning Remus's room for a second time

Roman heard a knock on the door after 20 minutes of cleaning his brothers room again. Assuming it was Remus, Roman headed straight for the front door prepared to tell him to go back to his boy toy for the day

...I swear to god, Remus. Go back to one of your many hookups, I'm in the middle of cleaning your room for a second ti-

Roman looked to see Virgil standing in front of him instead of his brother. Roman instantly blushed, both in admiration and embarrassment

Do you say that to anyone who knocks on your door while you're home alone?

Sometimes but hi! It's me, the guy who accidentally fell out of a tree and dreamed about you

Like that's not awkward at all, anyway, I didn't know we were neighbors actually

So did I. I haven't seen you until we technically met earlier today, to be honest

Yeah, I don't leave my apartment much. Anxiety and stuff

It's okay, do you still want to hang out with me sometime? We could get coffee maybe, if you're up for it

Sure, thank you uh. I actually didn't get your name earlier

Roman. Hi

Roman stuck out a hand for Virgil to shake


Virgil shook Roman's hand, both blush and awkwardly stop handshaking after a few seconds

So, should we get coffee?


Roman steps out of his apartment after getting his wallet and keys, leaving with Virgil for a coffee shop

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