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The Royal ball was in full swing, royals and nobles and rich commoners alike were all mingling despite their social statuses. Virgil was very nervous but excited, as he wanted to attend despite his anxiety around crowds. He was making his way to the table of food when a voice called out to him

Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice but you look incredible tonight

Unbeknownst to Virgil, the person who called out for him was none other than Prince Roman. Virgil instantly blushed when he saw Roman's handsomeness, Roman also blushed when he saw Virgil

Thank you, to be honest I'm not a big fan of parties and crowds. No one ever really notices me, especially in a setting like this

Well, do you want to go to the garden? It'll be less crowded outside and we can dance alone if you wish

I would like that, thank you Mr...

Ro. What is your name?

I'm Vi

Beautiful name, Vi. Follow me to the garden

Virgil smiled, taking Roman's hand and Roman took him out to the garden. It was beautiful, especially under the stars. Roman brought Virgil to a special area of the garden, taking out a rusty key to open an Ivy covered door

The Ivy door opened to reveal a small rose garden, there was also a large tree hiding the entire area and from an extremely sturdy branch hung a swing. Roman gestured for Virgil to sit on the swing

Virgil smiled and sat down, being gently pushed by Roman from behind. Both Roman and Virgil realized they were falling for each other as they were together in the rose garden

As Roman and Virgil was about to kiss, a loud chime rang out. Virgil realized, it's now midnight! He instantly pulled away, getting very distressed and anxious

I-I'm sorry, Ro, I need to leave

Virgil sprinted like a bat out of hell, Roman following after him

Wait! Stop!

Virgil reached the castle, pushing his way through the crowd towards the castle's entrance. Roman followed after Virgil but got barred from going further as a large group of princesses bombarded him and crowded him within the entire crowd of the ball

Virgil raced down the castle steps, unaware that he left something of his behind as he went into the carriage. Roman pushed past the group of princesses, reaching the stairs

Roman found what Virgil left behind for him: a single shoe

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