-A Rusted Heart-

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Suggested by @killugonnx

A lone forest. The sky above, grey and cloudy. The sun couldn't be seen anywhere. Rain could fall at any moment now. Thwack! A blade disrupts the peace. A second thwack, then another until a tree falls. The blade belongs to a simple axe, the blade itself looks loved and used often. The wooden handle has a simple carved heart reading R.C + V.A inside it

A metal hand grips onto the handle as if their life depends on it. The hand momentarily stops, one of them briefly picks up a wooden model house. The model then gets discarded on the forest floor again, then the axe continues to keep chopping

The metal hand becomes a metal arm, then a metal body until we see a metal man. The metal man's hand once more stops chopping for a moment. The metal hand becomes a fist, which bangs against a metal chest. Hollowness echoes throughout the metal man, instead of a heartbeat. The metal hand grips back onto the axe, still chopping away at trees in this forest

The metal man begins to sing, only the birds could hear him in the forest. The metal man didn't care about his voice being heard, as fear made its way into the minds, hearts, courage, and homes of those who lived before him. Thanks to a witch with silver slippers, humble people dared to not say a single word so they would not face the witches wrath. Thanks to that same witch, she's the reason why the metal man is metal and why his heart is now hollow

The metal man pressed on, his voice breaking a silence that was taught to him ever since he was a human

(Play the song at the top now, it's unfortunately an instrumental but the violin is beautifully played - The Author)

Crack the bark and hack the pine
My honest task, at least is mine
I needn't eat, not rest for time

But what you've lost-

Shut up, Roman, you're fine
A scrap heap feels no guilt or shame
It can't grow wise or old
No nightmares for i'll never rest
In bed nor casket cold

You wonder where he is-

Just chop

You wonder if he cries
Perhaps if you can find him-

STOP! I'll still be right here when he dies
For even if i found him
My love has all been lost
There's only bitter iron regret
For what devotion caused
More steel than soul
More corpse than man
I'll waste my life an empty can
Stop thinking
Just keep chopping
Work will blunt the pain

But while you work
Consumed with woe
You rusted solid
In the rain...
And as he stayed the whole year round
His soul ran wild
But body bound
Till I guide me
All but replaced
No memory of
His face

Rain has been pouring on the forest in buckets. The metal man's body gets invaded by orange clumps that quickly spreads across the entire metallic surface. The metal man's fist goes to his chest one final time, longing for a heartbeat again. All he hears is a hollow emptiness before he rusts solid

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